/ / How does yoga begin? How to start classes?

Where does yoga begin? How to start classes?

Doing yoga today is fashionable and prestigious.The ranks of her fans are growing. But not everyone clearly understands exactly what it is and, most importantly, how to start yoga at home. In our article we will try to address issues that usually concern newbies. As a rule, few people are interested in the theory, the main question is "Where to start?" Doing yoga on your own can be difficult at first. But still we will try to look at things a little bit wider.

Yoga. Where do they start?

Do not be alarmed, such gymnastics - for beginners, the exercise is quite simple, and very useful and fascinating.

About her at least once in my life everyone has heard.So you finally decided to master such a wonderful lesson, like yoga, on your own. Where to begin? Let's try to explain with accessible words what is at stake.

Yoga is a wonderful practice, the originsthe origin of which is in far exotic India. Its purpose is to bring health to a person, both physical and mental. On the physical level, yoga teaches us relaxation and proper breathing, normalizes blood pressure.

More generally, yoga is understood asspecial way of life leading to enlightenment. In this sense, it refers to the oldest philosophies that consider the purpose and meaning of human life. If you seriously decide to practice yoga, you should understand that this hobby is serious enough. It will require from you serious thoughts, considerable time and some restrictions.

yoga where to start

What does yoga give us?

The gradual rethinking of many lifehabits and principles - this is what yoga gives us. Where do its followers start? They will have to give up a lot of negative things, learn to control their own emotions and feelings, achieve and maintain physical and mental balance.

According to this teaching, excellence, asspiritual as well as physical, leads to the ability to concentrate on one's own sensations, to meditate and subdue many bodily reactions. Without an understanding of this, yoga is perceived only as a set of certain postures called asanas. At the same time, it boils down to some kind of gymnastics.

This in itself is not bad, but this approachtoo one-sided and does not take full advantage of the enormous potential of this amazing practice. But even if you decide to simply use the purely physical health benefits that yoga gives you, from which very, very many begin, the benefits to the body will still be considerable.

how to start yoga at home

A look into the past

Are you interested in yoga?How do you get acquainted with any new concept of the most curious of us? That's right, from the basics of theory. Let us briefly touch upon the history of the emergence of this remarkable teaching. It originated in ancient times. Indian seals, dated II-III centuries BC. e., already contain images of meditating figures. The concept of yoga can be found in one of the oldest Upanishads relating to the X century BC.

An account of the main concepts can be found inUpanishads dated VI century BC. In Raja Yoga, the earliest school related to this teaching, there is a division into 8 degrees called Ashtanga Yoga.

The four lower ones make up Hatha Yoga,four higher - the very "Raja Yoga". In the modern world, the concept of Hatha Yoga is common as a means of adding vital energy, spiritual and physical purification of a person.

On guard of health

Health benefits and self-perception will feelAnyone who has ever done it. To do this, devote several hours to regular exercises every week. Positive changes can be observed in a couple of months. It remains to determine where to start yoga at home.

Так как большая часть асан ориентирована на restoration of the correct work of the spine, yoga can be one of the most effective means in the fight against his diseases. In addition to the spine, it is able to improve almost all bodily systems: the heart and blood vessels, the digestive tract, the endocrine system.

where to start doing yoga

Выполняя асаны, мы производим массаж, так necessary for our internal organs for healthy functioning. Regular practice of this amazing practice leads to flexibility and plasticity of the body. Gait becomes smoother and more graceful due to the correction of posture and the elimination of pain in the joints. Meditation leads to increased immunity, while the risk of heart disease is markedly reduced.

В целом увлечение йогой придает человеку extra life energy, protection from stress, leads to calm and confidence. So do not think too long, where to start yoga at home - act!

Who can not engage

Are there any contraindications?As a rule, yoga classes are recommended for almost everyone. But we should not forget that, like any exercise, yoga can be harmful under certain circumstances. How to start practicing yoga when health is not perfect? You should consult with your doctor if you suffer from any mental disorder (especially schizophrenia), have a disease of any internal organ in the acute stage, or an inguinal hernia.

This can be dangerous ifincreased intracranial or arterial pressure, cardiac disease or in the post-infarction period, within a year after a stroke, with injuries and serious diseases of the spine and joints.

You can not do yoga in the case ofcancer, directly after surgery, as well as in acute viral illness and elevated body temperature. If as a result of practicing well-being clearly deteriorated, they need to be interrupted and consult a doctor. Yoga is contraindicated for women during periods of critical days and pregnancy "older" than 3 months.

beginner yoga where to start

How to organize training

Like any regular exercise, yoga exercisesrequire a specific system. Therefore, it is useful to immediately assign yourself a suitable time for them. Traditionally, the daily two-hour exercise is considered a good start for every morning. But in practice, most are engaged in the evening, which has a certain meaning. By the end of the day, the body becomes more flexible, making it easier to perform asanas.

If a busy working day does not leave youtime and effort for a long session, do not try to "work out" all at once on a day off for one big workout. It is much more useful to cut out daily at least a quarter of an hour for exercises.

Exercise Requirements

So, today you have a yoga schedule.How to start classes at home? Practice exercises on a full stomach - not effective, you need to do it on an empty stomach or after a considerable time after eating. Special conditions do not require yoga. You are barefoot located on the floor or on any small rug, as long as it is not slippery. Since the main requirement for yoga is complete concentration and silence, turn off any sound sources.

When performing each asana you will needthe ability to concentrate on your own body with simultaneous deep relaxation, which is not immediately given. Everything is done very smoothly and slowly, literally feeling any exhalation-inhale. The most important part of the exercise is proper breathing, it leads to maximum relaxation of the body and mental calmness. Without mastering proper breathing, the effectiveness of training will be low.

yoga yourself where to start

If something went wrong ...

Занятия йогой не относятся к экстремальным loads on the body. They have always been considered an ideal tool in a safe, relaxed environment to slowly improve a figure, build immunity and overcome inevitable stresses. This conclusion is true, but, nevertheless, any exercise is required to be done very accurately, smoothly and with concentration, avoiding pain or any unpleasant sensations.

If discomfort or pain does occur,It is better to give up this asana and consult a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to force complex tasks in order to avoid stretching or injury. Particular attention should be paid to the gradual and correct movements. Otherwise, pain and microtrauma are possible (for example, in the knees when adopting the lotus position).

Yoga for beginners - where to start?

The first asanas can be mastered independently, withoutmentor. They are very simple and even with imperfect performance will bring benefit, not harm. Mastering them will give an awareness of the needs and capabilities of your own body, and will suggest ways for further development.

how to start yoga at home

Hurry in this case should not be.The main criterion is internal sensations. Remember: gradual and gradual again! When performing each asana, it is necessary to control the sensations in all muscles of the body, arms and legs.

Yoga exercises for beginners

We give the most simple asanas, suitable for all who only master the complex art of yoga.

The pose of the tree. Perform this exercise, you should stand up straight.While inhaling, slowly, slowly raise your arms and pull them up to the maximum. Even outstretched arms behind the head, opening the chest. To enhance the effect of the asana and the training of balancing skills, one should learn how to do all this by lifting the leg bent at the knee and placing the foot on the thigh. The benefits of this asana are in correct posture and beneficial effects on the spine.

Pose baby. Sit down, leaning on the heels of the buttocks. Omit the body on the hips, relaxed arms stretch forward in front of you. The task of this asana is to relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and back, to relax them.

how to start yoga at home

Dog pose. Leaning, place your palms on the floor in front of you.The heels retreat, the pelvis rises. When properly positioned, the distribution of body weight occurs evenly between the feet and palms. The head is at the same time lowered and is located near the elbows. The effect is to eliminate the tension of the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. In addition, this exercise gradually leads to slenderness of the legs.

Stork pose. With your arms raised up on the exhale, bend, bending at the waist. Asana leads to flexibility of the legs and improvement in overall body tone.

Bow pose. We lay down on the stomach, clasping ourselves with our hands over the ankles, while inhaling we lift both parts of the body at once - both the upper and the lower. The effect is in a smooth back, slender arms, strong abdominal muscles.

Repeat one more time:practicing yoga exercises, the most important thing is to do everything thoughtfully and slowly. You must feel the whole body, enjoy every movement. Thinking when doing exercises should be about something light, pleasant. In this case, you will be able to distract from current problems, relax, adjust your body and soul in a harmonious way, especially now that you know how to start yoga at home. We wish everyone good luck in mastering this beautiful art!