/ / The conclusion of the psychologist on the results of the psychological examination (sample)

The conclusion of a psychologist based on the results of a psychological examination (sample)

The conclusion of the psychologist on the resultspsychological examination has a certain structure. Let us analyze the moments that are important to reflect in this document, and also consider one of its sample.

psychological opinion on the results of psychological examination

Analysis of the appearance of the child

For a start, the psychologist briefly describes the statenails, baby clothes. He indicates the specifics of his appearance, features of the constitutional structure, the presence of pronounced pathological factors. The protocol of psychological examination includes information on age-related anthropometric parameters: proportions of body parts, weight, height. Sometimes the appearance of the child is compared with the parents in order to analyze the hereditary characteristics and family relationships.

psychotype test

The behavior of the child in a conversation with a psychologist

Psychological examination of a preschool childage implies an analysis of the child’s behavior during communication with a specialist, his orientation towards criticality, autonomy, collective activity, the adequacy of the decision made in a certain situation. Psychologist draws attention to the speed of the child, his interest in the implementation of the proposed task, the overall motivation.

He is offered a test for psychotype, resultsused to obtain a complete picture of the subject. Any elements of a negative attitude towards contact with a specialist, as well as refusal from the survey, are noted. Performed by a psychologist and an analysis of the nature of play activity when a child passes the examination. Evaluated emotional and creative characteristics, the specificity of the use of the game elements by the kid, then all this is brought into the final conclusion of the psychologist according to the results of the psychological examination. The presence of hyperactivity, that is, motor disinhibition, is also noted.

recommendations of the psychologist

Activity specifics

The specialist assesses the presence of a goal in the activity.child, his ability to focus on the implementation of a particular task. In addition, conducting a psychological survey involves identifying impulsiveness, unevenness of activity, a critical attitude to praise, and censure for work. Next, relate the nature of the activity with the presence of hyperactivity. The obtained result is written out in the conclusion of the psychologist according to the results of the psychological examination.

psychological examination of a child


The psychologist analyzes the fluctuations inhealth, noting the time period during which the baby worked purposefully, productively. In addition, the cause of fatigue is identified, the nature of the activity and the speed of fatigue correlate, and the reasons are identified. The results are also entered into the conclusion of the psychologist on the results of the psychological examination. Specialist pays special attention to changes in the emotional state of the child: the appearance of inadequate laughter, manifestation of tearfulness, which indicates fatigue. The psychologist notes the relationship between performance and change of motivation, determines the type that has more influenced the performance of the child.

psychological examination protocol

Attention analysis

A psychotype test allows you to identify such an importantcharacterization of the mental activity of the child, as attention. The ability to focus on a specific activity, the ability to switch attention, to distribute it in non-educational tasks is evaluated. The specialist analyzes the relationship between attentional stability and perceptual volume. The presence of attention fluctuations, the specifics of its changes when the child is overworked or excited, the influence of such factors as hyperactivity on the parameters of attention are revealed.

Specificity of lateralization

The analysis reveals the presence of elements.leftism The main parameter of the analysis will be the evaluation of the combination of the left eye and the leading left hand, the right ear and the right hand. The psychologist during the analysis takes into account the specifics of the activity of the baby, which to some extent are associated with lateralization. He observes from what angle the child begins to examine the picture, reveals the direction of drawing, the hand in which he holds a pencil or brush.

Motor Features

An analysis of the overall "include" baby,features of movements in a closed space. The psychologist observes how the child picks up the pencils that have fallen on the floor, if he is knocking down other objects at this time. The ability to perform coordinated and rhythmic movements is also checked, for example, to run on the spot, to march. Assess the ability to draw, write, to identify the formation of fine motor skills. The baby is offered to tie the laces on the shoes, button the button on the blouse, cut out certain details with scissors. Based on the results obtained, the recommendations of the psychologist for parents on the further development of their child are compiled.

Speech evaluation

Evaluation of speech activity is important.element of speech therapy examination. It is important to identify the quality of the pronunciation of sounds, the volume of vocabulary, the level of speech activity, the ratio between the volumes of passive and active dictionaries. On the basis of the obtained data, the recommendations of the psychologist on the readiness of the child for school are compiled. Specialist pays special attention to the ability of the child to conduct a dialogue, answer questions asked by the psychologist, and offer their own. We study the ability to use speech constructs in the preparation of sentences.

During psychological research, the formation of social and domestic guidelines is checked, as well as their age-appropriateness of the child.

psychological examination

Option conclusion on the basis of psychological research

We offer a sample of the conclusion made by a psychologist on the results of individual diagnostics.

First, the data of the child, his date of birth. Further, the level of speech development is noted: an extensive vocabulary, ability to build sentences, a high level of speech activity.

Developed logical thinking is noted. The correspondence of the long-term and short-term memory to age-related features is confirmed.

Motility involves the right driving hand and must be developed in full accordance with age.

sample conclusion

The psychologist notes and analyzes a number of other points.

Self-service skills:

  • Formation in full accordance with age norms.

The possibility of successful learning curriculum:

  • Average performance.
  • Restlessness in the performance of tasks in the group, fatigue, distraction from the proposed work.
  • Individual work is done without comment.

Emotional sphere:

  • Unstable emotional state.
  • High activity.
  • Demonstration of the desire to be the leader of the group.
  • Shows intolerance to the mistakes of other children.

Communicative competence:

  • In the process of discussing conflict situations, he quickly finds constructive solutions, but does not use them in real life.

The following are recommendations of a psychologist, which indicate the main directions of further actions of parents and educators.

  1. Consultation with a neuropsychiatrist, visiting a family reception.
  2. Using sensory room to reduce emotional stress.
  3. Record on training groups in which children are taught the skills of co-communication.
  4. Motivation of a child without a punishment system, only by encouragement.
  5. Demonstration through role-playing games rules of conduct in society. Joint viewing of animated films, reading fairy tales, their mandatory discussion.
  6. Parents should not scream in the presence of the baby, it is important to protect him from finding out family relationships.
  7. Соблюдение режима дня должно быть обязательным, в it is desirable to introduce some ritual moments. For example, at bedtime, a baby will drink a glass of yogurt, so it will be easier for him to organize his time.