/ / What should be the scene for Easter. Christian sketches for Easter

What should be the scene for Easter. Christian sketches for Easter

This day was marked in the calendar of Israelisbefore the establishment of Easter - at that time they held festivals related to farming and cattle breeding. The Passover was established by the Lord in honor of the seizure of Israel from the hands of the Egyptian pharaoh, so that people remembered their deliverance. Scenes for children on Easter will help in an interesting way to tell this story.

scene for Easter

How to celebrate Easter

When the Israelis who lived in Egypt became brutallyGod heard their suffering and decided to bring them to the land that he promised Abraham - the promised land - under the pretext of three-day sacrifices in the desert. In addition, he intended to show his power to all and to announce that he made Israel his chosen people, and also to frighten other people. So he made Pharaoh's heart stubborn so that he would not let his slaves into the wilderness, and then sent 10 executions to Egypt, one after another, hardening Pharaoh until he fulfilled all that was planned. And on the night when God struck all the Egyptian first-borns, the Israelites set out on their journey and celebrated Easter for the first time, beating their first-born cattle and bringing a grain offering-fresh cakes.

What should be the Easter sketch

In order to join something light andimportant, tell the story of this holiday, you can put various scenes for Easter. Christian scenes will help in an accessible form to tell about Jesus Christ. After the self-sacrifice of Jesus, this day acquired another meaning - the redemption of all human sins. Crucified for the sake of salvation on Friday, on Sunday, he rose from the dead, that is why Easter is also called the Bright Christ's Resurrection. Nowadays, this celebration has become one of the most widespread holidays, and even those who have not decided on their faith in God mark it. Easter sketches are a symbol of purity, kindness and renewal.

Easter sketches

What to Avoid

Easter costumes for young people can be moreserious. But since the Bible contains scenes of violence and cruelty so as not to frighten overly impressionable children, some moments need to be adapted, such as crucifixion. Christian Easter scenes do not necessarily have to show the death of Jesus, it is enough to just outline in general terms that he suffered on the cross, then left us, then rose again. At the same time, one should not change the emotional coloring of events - if there is cruelty or suffering, they need to be shown so that the child develops sympathy for other people. Naturally, the sketch for Easter should show cruelty only figuratively, without detailing. Do not even talk about someone's death. But if the child himself asks a direct question, it is better to answer it honestly. It is also extremely important to finish each sketch on a positive note, you can read poems for Easter.

Reliable transmission

Putting sketches for children on Easter, you can not replacesemantic images and distort them so that in the worldview of children there is no false symbolism. For the same reasons, the egg that Magdalena presents to King Tiberius (see Scenario 4 below) should initially be red - do not try to make tricks on the egg and convince someone during the sketch that it has changed color. Easter scenes for children should not create a sense of a false miracle. It is preferable to keep silent about anything, than to deceive their belief in the unusual. It's better to say that this is the same egg you got already red, or explain that you painted it yourself.

Scenes for children on Easter

Scenario number 1. Exodus from Egypt and the establishment of Easter

Props and clothes: rope, cardboard sickles, blocks, kerchiefs, chairpharaoh, Easter cake. Cubes can be replaced by empty cardboard boxes or pillows, scarves or any fabric that is tied around the head or in the manner of a tunic can be used as scarves.

Characters: Joseph, Israelis (2 or more people, different Easter scenes here can be played by the same people), Egyptians (2 or more people), Moses, Egyptian pharaoh.

Narrator: "Long ago, when Joseph came to Egypt, fromHe had a large nation called Israelis. At first they lived peacefully, but then the Egyptians began to offend them. They made them their slaves, forced to work hard and did not care about them at all. The Israelis were very hard. When God saw this, he decided to save them and sent Moses. But the Egyptian pharaoh did not want to let the Israelis go. Then God sent flies and locusts, and diseases, and other executions, and took all the older children from the Egyptians, and they cried loudly, and agreed to let the people go after this. And in order not to take away the Israeli children by accident, God told them to draw marks on the doors, and that they always remembered this, punished to eat fresh cakes. That night the Israelites left Egypt and celebrated Easter for the first time. "

Actions. This sketch for Easter begins with the fact thatJoseph leads the people behind him. Then the Egyptians come out and wrap (not tight) around the people rope. Captivated Israelis sadly mow the wheat with sickles and shift the cubes. Moses appears, asks Pharaoh to release the Israelites, he refuses. Then Moses takes the Egyptians from the hands of the doll, they cry and let the Israelis. Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, they celebrate Easter and feast on Easter cake.

Scenes for Easter Christian

Scenario 2. The Birth of Jesus

Props: baby doll, scarves, staffs, white cardboardstar, baskets with gifts. As a baby doll, any doll is not female. It is also desirable to make a poster from the Whatman paper depicting hay and several animals (for example, lambs, rams, goats, domestic pigeons) and place it as a background.

Characters: Mary, Joseph, shepherds (2 or more), the Magi (3 people).

Narrator: "After this there was a time when people becameupset God by his behavior, and he wanted to send someone to help them improve. In those days, lived Mary and Joseph, they did not have a child. They never did anything that upset God, so he decided that it was Mary who would give birth to Jesus Christ. Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, but for them there was no place, so they slept in a cave where goats and sheep lived. There, Mary gave birth. When Jesus was born, the shepherds bowed to him, and a star caught fire over Bethlehem. Far to the east, the Magi saw the star and learned that Jesus Christ was to be born. They came to worship him and make gifts. Jesus did many good deeds and miracles and told people how not to upset God, and the 12 apostles traveled with him. They became his faithful friends and listened most attentively. "

Actions. Maria and Joseph enter the scene, Maria gives birth.The shepherds look at Jehuus and bow. This scene for Easter can be played with a muted light. A star appears, noticed by the Magi. They approach, bow and give gifts.

poems for Easter

Scenario number 3. The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Props: handkerchiefs, rope, cross, two chairs.The cross can be made from two boards or sticks by simply knocking them down or tied, the main thing is that they are not too small, or not too large, or attach the workpiece from the paper to the cross-fastened PVC profile or any other form-holding material.

Characters: Jesus, residents (2 or more people), warning Jesus, Israelis (2 or more people).

Narrator: "One day, Jesus came to preach in the city.The residents of the city mixed everything up - everything that God said and very much upset him. They did not believe that Jesus came to help them, and decided to crucify him on the cross. Jesus was warned of what the people of the city wanted to do, but he said, “If I am stretched on the cross, then God will forgive all of you for me, and you will no longer sin.” And on Friday he was sprawled on a cross, and then laid down. All the people felt sorry for Jesus and wept loudly. And all were forgiven for him. And on Sunday, at Easter, God performed a miracle - he lifted up Jesus, and he was healthy again. People were delighted and said to each other: “Christ is risen!”; "Verily He Has Resurrected!" And Jesus came to his fellow apostles and other people for forty more days, and then he returned to God. "

Actions. Jesus is coming to the people of the city, they are leaningto him a cross and throw a rope over it, he mournfully bows his head. Then he is "removed" from the cross and, weeping, is laid on the chairs. The bell rings and he wakes up. All happily congratulate each other. Here you can read various poems for Easter.

Easter scenes for children

Scenario number 4. Feeding Magdalene's Eggs

Props: painted red chicken egg, handkerchief, king's chair.

Characters: Magdalen, Tiberius.

Narrator: "At this time Tiberius was king, and MagdalenWent to him to tell that Jesus was resurrected. It was customary to go to the king with gifts, but Magdalen had nothing but a chicken egg, and she brought an egg. King Tiberius did not believe her that Jesus was resurrected, and said: "No one can be resurrected, just as a white chicken egg cannot suddenly become red." And immediately after he said these words, Magdalen's white egg turned red. And then Tiberius believed her. Therefore, at Easter we paint eggs - to remember the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ. "

Scenes for Easter for youth

Actions. Magdalen tells Tiberius that Jesusresurrected, he does not believe her. She hands him a red egg, and he is convinced that she has told the truth. This is the final scene on Easter, and it should be solemn.