/ / The evaluation of the initiation into the students is ridiculous. Scenes for initiation into students

The evaluation of the initiation into the students is ridiculous. Scenes for initiation into students

What is "dedication"?Everyone will answer: "Looking to where!" However, no one can argue with the fact that this in any case should be very important in life and a solemn moment. Dedication to students refers precisely to such activities. This is a new stage in the life of a girl or a young man. Each sketch for the initiation into the students, played out at a festive concert, will give the audience a lot of fun.

This moment is somewhat reminiscent of the transfer of soldiers from"Spirits" in the "scoops", and then - in the "grandfathers." Newly-minted students are no longer a "despicable abitur", not a "miserable fry", but freshmen admitted to the circle of students at a university or other educational institution.

a scene for initiation into students

In different universities - different traditions

Of course, each educational institution has its owncustoms and features of initiation. Somewhere it coincides with the Day of the freshman, and somewhere for this holiday any other convenient moment is chosen. The entertainment program includes a variety of different numbers: songs, dances, solemn speeches. One of the most interesting performances will also be a well thought out sketch for the dedication to students. What should it be?

The charge for initiation into students can beis beaten not only by undergraduates, but also by teachers. However, this is not so important. The most important thing is to make it original. In addition, the concert should leave a lot of pleasant impressions, to please all those present in the hall.

Do not forget that the dedications to students differ not only in each institution, but also in each faculty.

How to organize a perfect concert?

What do you need to remember when drafting the script?The evaluation of the initiation into students, for example, should be very bright and memorable. But the main thing is to pay attention to which part of the concert it will be shown: in the official or after it (if the youth decides to organize something more interesting).

Scenes for dedication to students can bedevoted to favorite teachers, include humorous poems, songs and ditties: both about the university, and about a certain faculty. You can show your own films about life in the institute, or you can voice the "snide" hit parade of the so-called "razdolbayev", listing the special "merits" of each of them.

Scenes for dedication to students
In a word, undergraduates can come up with a lot of different interesting numbers.

Contests will give students a lot of fun!

Scenes for dedication to students area considerable part of the concert program. However, in the intervals between them, you can also insert all kinds of competitions. Bright, dynamic, noisy and funny games and competitions are sure to please everyone present at the solemn event. Music, movement and good mood are an integral part of every contest held at the concert.

They are invented in order toFirst-year students saw what they would experience in the life to come. By the way, you can combine one and the other. Competition and sketch for the dedication to students - a funny and funny composition! You can organize this number in different ways.

Scenario for dedication to students with game elements

Of course, there can be many options. For example, those present in the hall should necessarily like this sketch for the dedication to students - funny and unusual. It is called the "Destiny of the Stream".

To begin with, three chairs are put on the stage.On one of them is placed a book, on the other a glass (for example, beer) is put, on the third the girl or the guy sits (the participant's floor should be opposite to the floor of the one who is devoted to the students). What does it mean? The book will symbolize the desire for learning, beer - for entertainment, well, a young girl or a guy - to love. The contestant, as a rule, is blindfolded, untwisted and asked to move exactly where he thinks fit. A glass of beer, by the way, can be put on a camouflage cap - this will be a perfect symbol of the results of sloppiness. The choice of the captain of the faculty will determine the "fate" of the whole stream. Such a game is a lot of laughter and fun!

However, special attention should be paid tospecialties. The evaluation of the initiation into the students of a medical institute, for example, can remind prospective professionals that the granite of science will be very difficult to gnaw. For this freshmen are given white gowns and walnuts. Each student needs to "crack" the nut - that is, somehow split it.

scene for the initiation into the students funny
It is washed down with a glass of salt water, because the study -not sugar at all. Nuts can also be replaced with breadcrumbs with pepper or hard cookies with mustard. In a word, it must be shown that a real doctor should be prepared for various difficulties.

Be prepared for unusual fun

Jokes and various tasks can be veryoriginal. For example, a very cheerful all present will find such a scene for initiation into students. Senior lawyers take water pistols, fill them with paint and sprinkle new-found students.

Scene for dedication to students in honey
"Initiates" must make a humorous recordthat "shines" for this hooligans. After that, the color of the paint is considered. The one to whom white has fallen is distinguished by the uncomprehended mind of the freshman. The one who received the charge of black paint, stands out by the darkness reigning in the head of yesterday's applicants. However, the light of the teaching promises to disperse it. An explanation can be devised for each color. The main thing is to show your imagination.

Well and in any case before dedication it is necessarybe sure to collect all available information about how the event usually takes place in the university. Ask the undergraduates, specify some details from the teachers, etc. Any source of information in this matter is very much even useful.

Competitions with dousing, for example,will require appropriate clothing, which simply will not be a pity. Do not forget also that all the "hobnails" of newcomers are friendly and completely non-malicious. It will be only a few years, and you yourself will organize such a dedication, remembering how cheerfully they spent time, feeling themselves real students.

Do not forget about the decoration of the hall

So, came the solemn moment.Any celebration number, any sketch for initiation into students for first-year students (machine-drivers, doctors, lawyers, economists, etc.) - all this should take place in a beautifully decorated hall. Here you can hang balloons, flags and wall newspapers. It perfectly complements skits, dances and a variety of musical numbers.

Scene for dedication to students lawyers

The hall, decorated with the hands of undergraduates, betweenother things, clearly sets up future students for an interesting, busy and responsible student life. Young people enjoy the holiday, thinking about activity, discipline and successful study. The cost of dedicating to students in a medical or any other university, played in such a room, will bring a lot of fun!

Memorable gifts to the "initiates" - a solemn moment

Another important nuance.For freshmen, you need to prepare special presents. The evaluation of the dedication to the students in the hostel can be supplemented, for example, with memorable trinkets featuring the university. You can also prepare notebooks or diaries for first-year students.

Scene for initiation into students for first-year students of machine-drivers
And you can pick up gifts, relying onfeatures faculty beginners. That is, doctors fit shoe covers, journalists - goose feathers, programmers - mouse pads. All this is, of course, symbolic gifts, but nevertheless very pleasant.

Newly declared students should not remain in debt

But that's not all!Beginners can also make small surprises for undergraduates. The cost of the dedication in the medical institute, in the economic or pedagogical can be ended with interesting gifts from the former entrants.

Senior students can be presented in advanceprepared wall newspapers with photos and anecdotes about their adventures that occurred during the study. All these points can be learned in advance from the teachers.

Warm words also need to be saidhis older comrades. Freshmen, despite the fact that they slightly mocked at them, should still thank the future graduates for a fun and enjoyable pastime.

Complete the event with a presentation of bright and talented students

And now the holiday is coming to an end!How to decorate the final? Of course, speeches of undergraduates. This means that the scene for the initiation into the students of an accountant, a medic, a lawyer, etc. can be continued with a variety of dances and songs. Let the undergraduates show what they are capable of, in addition to studying. Let them show all their talents!

a scene for a dedication to students in a hostel

As a result, everyone should be satisfied with the holiday. Do not doubt that this day will be remembered for life!