Easter is one of the brightest and most anticipatedbelieving people of holidays. By Easter, a lot of cakes and eggs, a variety of ornaments and postcards, are piled on the shelves of shops. What is attractive for this holiday and how it is celebrated in other countries?
history of the holiday
Easter is celebrated on Sunday, and it is not accidental:the word "resurrection" is formed from the word "resurrect". On this day, Jesus rose from the dead. After he was crucified, the body was taken to a cave. The cave was guarded by guards. Jesus left her, despite the fact that a large stone covered the passage: this stone was not even moved.

The absence of the body of Jesus was found by women who came to anoint him before burial. There they were met by angels who announced that Jesus had risen from the dead.
Easter is celebrated in honor of the reconciliation of life and death, the unity of God and humanity.
Symbols of Easter
Many traditions have lost their relevance, andnow almost no one remembers them. For example, earlier in Russia, in honor of the holiday, parties were organized with round dances and songs, where people rejoiced and rejoiced at the miracle of God.
The symbol of the Feast of the Passover is also paintedegg. Traditionally, it should be red (in Russia, onion husks were used for this). Eggs are usually given to each other or to play with them. Whose egg will be stronger when they hit the opponent's egg, he won.
And of course, Easter can not do without a cake. It is accepted to bake from the dough with the addition of raisins. On the surface you should write "ХВВ", which means "Christ is Risen".

Features of Easter in Russia
In Russia, Easter falls to the nearestSunday, on the 12th of April. Orthodox Easter announces the end of Lent. It is worth noting that Lent in Russia lasts more than a month and requires strict abstinence from some food. But on the holiday the Orthodox are allowed to eat everything, including red wine - Cahors.
On the night from Saturday to Sunday, there is a servicein the church, marked by the procession. On Sunday, parishioners bring cakes and painted eggs to the church, where the priest (priest) lights them and reads prayers.
Another tradition, without which there is not a single Orthodox Easter, is a blessing. Cities and villages are filled with the bells ringing, which announce the resurrection of Christ, the great miracle.
Features of Catholic Easter
The Catholic Church celebrates the Christianholidays with the Orthodox Church, but there are some features. The Catholic Easter also has a difference. The number, on which she falls, is April 5.
Before the holiday, silence reigned in the houses.Easter in Germany, France and other European countries is a bright and good holiday, but you can not enjoy it, because in those days Jesus suffered greatly, he was beaten for a long time, and then crucified on the cross. The crucifixion was public, Jesus was bleeding and tearing.

Preparation for the holiday begins in advance, with the baking of curd cakes and staining of eggs. It is necessary to greet acquaintances with the phrase "Christ is Risen", which is to be answered: "Verily Risen".
It is worth saying that Easter is not the most important Christian holiday, celebrated by Catholics. Preference is given to Christmas, when Jesus comes into the world to turn to humanity.
Christian holidays in Germany
Germany is the birthplace of many Christian traditions.If you ask what holidays in Germany are popular besides Christian, you can notice an amazing thing: there are practically no official religious holidays. Of course, the Germans celebrate the New Year, the fall of the Berlin Wall, etc. However, Easter in Germany, like many Christian holidays, is a weekend that the Germans spend in the family circle. For schoolchildren, even Easter and Christmas holidays are provided.
In Germany, people are trembling with religion. It was she who helped the Germans restore the country and peace of mind after the Second World War, and it was she who gave and gives faith and hope.
How is Easter celebrated in Germany?
In Germany, the holiday begins on Friday. On this day, funeral Masses are held.
On Saturday, fires are lit everywhere.It's a bit like the Russian Carnival. The bonfire symbolizes farewell to the winter, and also in it all negative emotions and memories "burn". He also drives away evil spirits.

On Sunday, the holiday reaches itsclimax. Breakfast is served with fish (traditional festive dish), desserts and tea. In some German families, lamb (lamb) is eaten at Easter. This custom is associated with Jewish traditions, because lambs were most often sacrificed.
It is interesting that the celebration of Easter in Germanyis connected with politics. Specially organized Easter marches are held. Now this tradition has lost its relevance, no more than three thousand people participate in the march in the cities. But in the middle of the XX century, these demonstrations lasted even for several days!
Symbols of Easter in Germany
Eggs and cakes are a common traditionthe Catholic Church. Interestingly, in Germany people do not paint eggs themselves: in supermarkets they are sold in assortment. Children love Easter very much, they often buy chocolate eggs ("Kinder-surprises").
German Easter has a few more symbols.The first symbol is the flower of a daffodil. Easter is associated with the Germans with the end of winter and the onset of a warm springtime. Therefore in each house for Easter there should be a bouquet of daffodils, one of the first spring flowers.

As at Christmas, on Easter in Germany at homedecorated with wreaths. Only if on Christmas the wreath, as a rule, consists of bells, ornamental flowers and fir branches, on Easter it is collected from the first spring flowers, barely blossoming buds. They are lit in the church, and then hung on the door or in the house. Such an Easter wreath symbolizes spring and nature renewal.
Easter in Germany can not do without Easterrabbit or hare. It is believed that it is this fluffy sweet animal that brings colored eggs. Children so believe in its existence that sometimes fathers even specially change into rabbits to deliver them colored eggs, and with them indescribable joy. It is believed that the Easter bunny brings eggs only to children who behaved well. In addition, the Easter rabbit is a symbol of luck and wealth. Therefore, this day can not do without.

Easter is a wonderful occasion to gather all overfamily at the festive table. And although the customs and traditions of the celebration of Easter in Russia and Germany are different, the atmosphere of the holiday is the same and gives only positive emotions. On Easter, good weather always falls out. Young people in Germany tie ribbons on trees, thereby decorating them.
Warm sun rays, fresh air and close people - what else is needed for a good holiday?