/ / Humorous sketch "How did her husband choose her husband?"

Humorous sketch "How did her husband choose her husband?"

Any holiday will be decorated with a humorous sketch.It is especially appropriate at the New Year celebration. Of course, after all, a humorous sketch involves actors dressed up in theatrical costumes, and when else to change into carnival costumes, how not for the New Year?

humorous scene

Organizing time

The view is original, if itis an improvisation of actors. Of course, the script writer prepares for the holiday humorous miniatures in advance. Scenes are played out without preparation and rehearsals. From the guests are invited to volunteer. Then they disassemble roles by the "draw" method. Extremely funny can get a humorous sketch and in the event that male characters fall into the representatives of the fair sex, and women, on the contrary, to men.

humorous miniatures skits
For a minute, only it is necessary to imagine a thina girl in Bear's costume, depicting a drunken drunken bumpkin, or as a sexy young athlete of sexy athletic physique. It immediately becomes clear that such an "incident" will add to the idea of ​​fun and laughter. Depending on the role obtained, the actor puts on himself the theatrical costume prepared in advance by the hosts of the festival. You can also invite costumers and make-up artists from among the spectators. The words are distributed to the artists literally "before the premiere" only in order to dismantle the written one. Especially funny pass and take the viewer humorous sketches in verse, which can be performed by amateur artists under the melodies of all famous songs.
humorous scenes in verse

Humorous sketch "How did her husband choose her husband?"

Characters: Herringbone, Deer, Bear, Ostrich.


- The forest is snow-covered, dense ...

New Year's already on the nose.

Feline has become so bored

Day and night stand in the forest ...

Fur-tree (sings to the melody of the famous children's song "In the Forest Was Born ..."):

"I'm a beautiful Christmas tree,

I was born in the forest.

At home do not like -

I gave myself to people.

Smart as a girl,

On holiday I will come

And the groom rich

Here, for sure, I'll find!

It turns out Deer with a big bag, sings the song "The deer's house is big."

Christmas tree (continues to sing to the phonogram):

- Wow, this is the first woman!

With housing there is no problem!

He carries a huge bag -

What's in it? That's the secret!

His horns - ah, are good!

As branches I have ...

Oleshka, darling, dawdle:

Tra-la, tra-la-la-la!

Deer depicts a ballet performance for an excerpt from Swan Lake and the guests' laughter.

Here in the clearing leaves Bear. He sings to the melody "Thin Rowan".

- I'm going, swaying,

Thick and happy!

Wildly sorry,

I drink - I'm a free Cossack,

Unmarried Bear -

Idleness, free,

Because cheerful,

And I'm dressed fashionably!

Kohl I'll find honey -

No need to share!

And with friends I will meet -

I can get drunk.

No wife next door -

There is no one to swear.

But it happens that

Nowhere to go ...

Let someone saw ...

Let him quarrel ...

I would not have drunk then,

I would not swing!

Fur-tree now sings his words on the motive of another famous children's song:

- Little Christmas tree

It's sad to be alone ...

She wants to marry

Highly! Ow-yoy-yoy!

Only problem is

In that which is difficult for me

Choose your own right

Make - to your liking!

On the stage goes Ostrich. His words he sings to the melody of the song "Autumn Dream":

- I'm an old woman,

Arrogant slightly!

When I get angry, I kick

Then in the jaw, then in the sides!

When I get scared, I run,

With a speed such,

That I can easily overtake

I'm a speed train.

Then Elka married.

I'm a bridegroom than bad?

I fight, so what?

But always

There are eggs near at hand!

Fur-tree sings under the "Song of the geese":

- Faced with Christmas tree,

And the needle trembles:

There is a choice.

I do not know,

Prefer who, friends ...

The facilitator proposes to arrange competitions betweenapplicants. The humorous scene smoothly passes into the stage of comic competitions and games, in which all guests can take part. By the way, here it turns out that in the bag Deer has prizes for the winners: small souvenirs, sweets or funny gifts.