New Year is a special, magical holiday.We are looking forward to it, every time hoping that on New Year's Eve some miracle will happen. And the most surprising thing is that with age, this belief in miracles does not become less.
It also happens that the long-awaited holiday is more likelydisappointing. This happens in those cases when everything comes down to a banal feast and sluggish dancing with a full belly. Meanwhile, each person is able to make the new year truly magical. To do this, you need only a little preparation: write a good script, come up with New Year sketches and contests and stock up a few sparkling jokes. That's it, with their own hands and creates a magic, when all people share a common joy and fun.

What is better to prepare: skits or contests
Competition is a match.Let the cheerful, comic, but still there will be their winners and losers. And this is a minus, because in the new year you do not want to offend anyone, but you need to make sure that everyone benefits. But the competitions are ideal for small and medium-sized companies - everyone has time to play, and by the time each action turns out not too prolonged.

Scenario is a small miniature, with advanceprepared roles and participants. The downside is that not all participate in the performance, and some may feel deprived. Plus, it's very convenient to show New Year sketches in a big company - it's more spectacular, and not only spectators get their pleasure, but also actors.
Proceeding from the foregoing, it is necessary to prepare andboth, adjusted for the number of viewers. In addition, you can always change the scenario in the course of the action, if for some reason the original plan did not bring the expected result in the form of laughter and smiles.
New Year sketches for children

New Year in childhood is a Christmas tree, Santa Claus,Snow Maiden, masks, the smell of chocolate and mandarin and "lots and lots of joy." Therefore New Year's sketches for children should be cheerful, kind and necessarily costumed. Often it does not even matter what the actors will say - the fact that a wolf, a hare, a fox and a bear came to the holiday is important to the child. And then they all together invited Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
New Year sketches for adults
What is the difference between children and adults?On New Year's Eve, absolutely nothing: all adults are like children who are up to mischief, who are waiting for something extraordinary. Therefore New Year's scenes for adults can also be made costumed. The truth here is a lot more for creativity: you can dress up with the same rabbit or bear cub, or you can try to portray a celebrity or character from the movie. For example, you can make the central theme of the scenario "bad behavior" of all those present in the outgoing year, and the events will be led by Freddy Kruger and Baba-yaga or some other popular negative characters.
In general, you need to put a little imagination,a drop of diligence and you will have an excellent scenario for the new year, with contests and funny skits. And most importantly, that all guests will have the warmest memories of the best holiday in the year.