/ / Candy bouquets for Easter - a nice sign of attention

Bouquets of chocolates for Easter - a nice token of attention

The feast of bright Easter is celebrated not at somea certain day, and according to the lunar calendar. This holiday is a symbol of the victory of good. He keeps the memory of the historic sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the name of all mankind and its sacred resurrection. Celebrate the holiday, as a rule, presenting each other cakes and painted eggs, as well as gifts made with their own hands. Candy bouquets for Easter are a nice gift that will surprise and delight your family.

Bouquets of sweets for Easter

Easter Holiday

Easter is preceded by a great seven-week fast.At this time, believers follow certain rules, limiting themselves in food. The day before Easter, on Great Saturday, people go to church, pray, bring food to the temple to light it. And on Sunday, once a year, they put on the table consecrated food: Easter cake, curd Easter and painted eggs.

Saturday is replaced by a bright Sunday, and after a seven-week fast, you can again eat any dishes - salads, snacks, cakes, sweets.

If you are going to visit, consider as a gift option bouquets of sweets (for Easter). This simple "design" will serve as an ornament for the holiday table.

Easter Gifts

As a rule, it is customary to exchange at Easterpainted eggs. The egg was still a long time before Jesus Christ was considered a symbol of the world, the universe in miniature. Some ancient peoples believed that it was the Sun and Life, and they painted eggs as a sign of worship and respect.

Bouquet of roses

Now this tradition has been preserved.People continue to paint eggs in every way, but Bright Easter comes after a long seven-week fast, therefore it is customary to give small gifts for this holiday as well as for any other. Bouquets of sweets for Easter will be very useful. Such gifts can be given to women of any age.

Bouquets of sweets for Easter can be made with your own hands, enough to stock up on paper that bends easily, with wire, glue and, in fact, a box of chocolates.

Bouquets of sweets - a great gift

Want to surprise your loved ones?To remember a holiday gift? Order a bouquet of candy for them. This wonderful sweet gift will not leave anyone indifferent. For the Spring Festival (March 8), a bouquet of Tulips candies will suit you perfectly. A very delicate multicolored bouquet will delight any woman, and the sweet tooth will be delighted.

Candy bouquet Tulips

A bouquet of candies for Easter can also be given.It can be very small or huge, for a mom, a bride or a brother. A whole basket, topiary or one delicate flower - a huge amount of options! Agree, usually a box of chocolates or a chocolate bar usually looks trite, and a spectacular gift in the form of a sweet bouquet will impress anyone.

Bouquets of sweets do it yourself

Enough to know a little about floristics tocreate beautiful bouquets of handmade chocolates. It is important to be able to control the color, everything should look harmonious. A creative and tasty dessert should please the eye, be bright and noticeable.

Beautiful bouquets of sweets

To create a bouquet you need to make a number of important decisions:

  • Determine the type of the composition itself. It can be roses, tulips, snowdrops. You need to push off from the preferences of the person to whom the gift is intended.
  • Decide what design will look advantageous. Box, tree or basket, bouquet or topiary.
  • Find out which candy the addressee prefers, andtry podgadat, because to create a variety of flowers can be useful different sweets. For snowdrops, small-sized candies are needed, for tulips and roses - more.
  • Think over the decor composition. Perhaps it will be butterflies or hearts, ribbons or leaves. Everything to your taste, the main thing is that it would look harmonious.
  • Buy tools to create a bouquet (glue gun, corrugated paper, rhinestones or ribbons).

Creating a bouquet of roses

Perhaps the most common bouquet is a bouquet of chocolates "Roses". To create it you need:

  1. Corrugated paper.
  2. Scotch.
  3. The glue gun.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Candies.
  6. Wooden stick

Cut out the petals of different sizes, you can differentcolors. Put the candy in the petal and wrap the edges. Then glue them on a wooden stick with a pistol and continue to glue the remaining petals in a circle. We decorate the resulting rose with petals.

Bouquet of roses "Roses" is a perfect gift for any occasion.

Whatever gift you make, your attention is always more expensive. And if this attention is accompanied by a gift made with your own hands, it will delight your loved one.