Как же богат русский язык!After all, it seems only to ignorant people that everything in it is clear, transparent and understandable. In fact, everything is not so. Two words that sound exactly the same can mean completely different things or differ in the spelling of one letter, which, when pronounced, gives the same sound in both cases. And there are some interesting words that seem to be understandable, but the history of their origin is amazing. For example, the word "discouraged." Is that a short adjective or a short passive participle? And what is its etymology?
Joke pun
- Neighbor, are you discouraged?
“You are telling the truth, Daria!” The ferret at night decided all the chickens, slaughtered without a knife. So I really became discouraged. This is the case - not a single chicken is left!
Meaning and etymology
However, the word “discouraged” is not at allwhat was meant by an elderly and not too educated woman. After all, chickens have absolutely nothing to do with it. The root of the word is not “hens” at all, but “courage”. And it came to the Russian language from France. The initial meaning of "courage" was tantamount to "courage." Gradually, the word in the Russian language got accustomed and acquired other meanings: “enthusiasm”, “swagger”, “courage”, “ostentatious bravery”, “increased cheerfulness”. The rich were swaggering, squandering money in taverns, swaggering over their peasants, tyrant-landlord, swaggering drunken husbands over wordless, submissive wives. And in the morning, when they saw what they had done soberly, they took a discouraged look, when there was no doping for fun, courage confounded in the face of the gendarme, or conscience awoke, or rather its remnants.
Word semantics
What is the meaning of the word "discouraged"?Dictionaries interpret it as “deprived of self-confidence,” “stunned,” “in a state of confusion,” “astonished,” “in a state of confusion,” “perplexed,” “distressed,” ory-white, confused, “ embarrassed, embarrassed, bewildered, dumbfounded, preoccupied, confused, perplexed, stunned, upset. All these definitions in their meaning go back to one basic - “devoid of courage.”
The part of speech to which the word "discouraged" refers
Образовалось это слово от глагола «обескуражить», that is, “bewildered,” “upset,” “deprived of confidence.” Therefore this is a passive communion. Since there is a prefix, even two, the suffix is used -nn-. If the form “discouraged” or “discouraged” is used, the word should be defined as a participle in short form.
To understand what is "discouraged", you need to refer to examples of the use of the word.
- «Марина вышла из магазина с покупками.She remembered that part of the money before leaving the house left in the purse. However, opening it, found that the wallet is completely empty. Surprised and upset, she realized that she was brazenly robbed. Passers-by turned around after her, seeing the expression of Marina’s face so discouraged that simply her heart would break from such a dumbfounded look of a girl. ”
- "Discouraged by the fact that he saw in the morning, Vasilyclutched at his head ... "That's how he got his hands on the head! Two corpses, broken furniture and broken dishes - how to get out of this lousy story?" - he thought, tossing around the room in search of the right decision.
- “The dog, accustomed to receiving her portion of porridge with meat every morning, was discouraged by the fact that instead of eating, she found a clean empty bowl. Something had clearly happened, and that something was terrible. ”
- “The moon looked discouraged at the fields: yesterday the wheat was still yellow there, but today it is empty. Or in vain she is sad? The people are having fun ... "
As can be seen from the above examples, the word "discouraged" can be used both in popular speech and in fiction. Often, the use of his resort and poets.