/ / Tattoos: symbolism, interpretation and meaning. Moon (tattoo): what can she tell about her owner?

Tattoos: symbolism, interpretation and meaning. Moon (tattoo): what can she tell about her possessor?

Alluring with its beauty and mystery, the Moon, withancient times causes admiration and reverent awe in human souls. There is no such culture or nationality where this night luminary would not be deified. After all, people have known about the influence of the moon on all natural processes of the Earth since time immemorial. Many modern scientists, in general, hold the opinion that without it life itself on our planet would be impossible. What is the interpretation of the symbols depicting the satellite of the Earth, and what do they matter? Moon (tattoo): what can she tell about her owner?

Value moon tattoo

Mighty light

How respectful were our ancestors toThe moon is testified by ancient beliefs, myths and teachings about the nature of the universe. For example, Plutarch once said: "Of the stars, the Sun is the most important after the Moon." This opinion was shared by many scholars of antiquity, because they witnessed solar eclipses and powerful tides. They already knew what the moon was capable of. A person’s interest in her mysterious forces has not faded to this day, despite the fact that much has already been known about them. And the images of the beautiful celestial being attract lovers of symbolism not only from an aesthetic point of view. Equally important are its interpretation and meaning. Moon (tattoo): what can this symbol speak on from the age-old ideas and knowledge of humanity?

Moon tattoo meaning for girls

The male principle in the image of the moon

In the Sumerian pantheon, the moon god Nanna was worshipedas one of the greatest since he was the father of the sun god Utu. According to the ideas of the Sumerians, the Moon was older and wiser than the Sun. Images of Nann are often found in the form of a bull, the horns of which form a crescent.

In ancient Egypt, the god of the moon was no less revered. The patron of science and the founder of secret knowledge, Thoth was considered the very first magician, superior in strength to the great Osiris, because he had created himself.

In Slavic mythology, there was also a powerful and wise moon god - Hair. Master of magic, healing and the forces of nature. Mentor and patron of the Magi, keeping his secret knowledge.

Based on this representation of the ancients,understand what moon symbolism can make a difference. The moon (tattoo) for men is interpreted as follows: the strength of the spirit, self-knowledge and self-improvement, the desire for harmony with the outside world.

Tattoo moon star: Meaning

Moon and feminine

For many nations, the moon was associated with beauty.and the mystery of the feminine. A striking example of this is the ancient Greek goddess Artemis (Diana among the Romans). Forever young moon goddess was considered the patroness of the three worlds and all life on Earth. As the personification of the ever-resurgent Moon, she was identified with an endless cycle of life and death.

The moon, as a symbol of the mysterious and incomprehensible feminine energy of yin, occupies a fundamental place in Chinese culture.

Incas and Maya associated the goddess of the Moon with the image of the mother, she was revered as a protector and patroness of pregnant women, the family hearth and fertility.

Therefore, first of all, the “Moon” tattoo is important forgirls has associated with the female lot - motherhood. Such a symbol speaks of love, tenderness and care that its owner can give to her chosen one and future children. Also, a tattoo with the image of the moon is typical of romantic natures who want to envelop their image in mystery.

Tattoo "Moon, stars": meaning

In Islam, the image of the crescent and the starssymbolizes the righteous path. Since the combination of the Moon, personifying the divine light beginning, and the stars pointing the way to it, together mean - paradise. Historical evidence indicates that this symbol originally belonged to the goddess Artemis and was later borrowed by the first Islamic communities. The month in conjunction with several stars was often identified with the shepherd or teacher who was protecting his wards. In any case, the image of the "Moon and the stars" means the path to the light, the disclosure of secrets and the knowledge of truth.

Sun and Moon Tattoos: Meaning

Tattoo "Sun and Moon": the value

This magical pair of opposites isbeautiful symbol of harmony. The unity of male and female energy forms the sign of infinity and wisdom of the universe. Therefore, people who choose such an image, as a rule, have a philosophical turn of mind. Intuitively, they strive for the beauty of the spiritual and physical, perfecting themselves to achieve divine balance.

Summarizing all of the above, you can withconfidence to assert that the lunar symbol has only positive characteristic and value. The moon (tattoo) is excellent in this quality, it can be safely applied to any parts of the body, depicting a star in various phases and combinations. After all, the full moon began to be perceived as a symbol of rampant ghouls, werewolves and other evil spirits relatively recently. The bearers of the ancient knowledge of the witch and the Magi, by contrast, have always argued that the forces of evil dominate moonless nights.