/ Substance ketoconazole. Shampoo with it - the best remedy for fungal lesions of the scalp

Substance ketoconazole. Shampoo with it - the best remedy for fungal head skin lesions

Because fungal skin lesions, especiallyparts of the scalp can hardly be considered a rarity, many people are interested in the question of what means of treatment medicine offers. And today the most effective medicine is ketoconazole. A shampoo containing this substance gently cares for the skin, while simultaneously inhibiting the reproduction processes of pathogenic microorganisms.

ketoconazole shampoo

На самом деле это вещество входит в состав многих preparations intended for external use are not only shampoos, but also ointments and gels. However, most often it is used in the composition of the shampoo to get rid of dandruff.

Ketoconazole: shampoo with it, properties

Ketoconazole has very valuable properties.The fact is that this substance violates the processes of synthesis of specific triglycerides and phospholipids, without which the formation of the cell wall of the fungus and, accordingly, its reproduction is impossible.

Substance ketoconazole. Shampoo with him - when is it used?

This drug is simply indispensable for fungaldiseases of the scalp. Moreover, in modern medicine it is widely used for the treatment of candidiasis and dermatophytosis. In addition, the indication for its use is versicolor versicolor, as well as trichophytia. Shampoos containing ketaconazole are prescribed to patients with seborrheic dermatitis and folliculitis.

dandruff shampoo ketoconazole

But in any case, it should be understood that beforethe beginning of the use of such tools, you must consult a doctor - trichologist or a dermatologist. In some cases, oral medication is also required.

Ketoconazole. Shampoo with him: instructions for use

Actually use the drug to the utmostjust. A small amount of shampoo must be applied to the hair roots, then rub in the scalp with soft massage movements. It is recommended to leave the product for 3-5 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly with warm running water.

Дозировка и график применения составляются individually for each patient and depend on the form and severity of the disease, as well as the nature of the pathogen. For example, with lichen course of treatment lasts five days. At the same time it is necessary to use shampoo daily.

Many people use a similar remedy asdandruff shampoo. Ketoconazole is really effective in seborrhea. But in this case, experts recommend using it once every three days for a month.

Such drugs are often used as a prophylactic agent. In such cases, you need to apply shampoo every 1-2 weeks during the month.

ketoconazole shampoo reviews

Ketoconazole. Shampoo with him: contraindications and side effects

Шампуни с кетоконазолом прекрасно переносятся by the human body and rarely lead to the appearance of adverse reactions. Only in rare cases, there is the development of allergies, which is accompanied by reddening of the skin, itching and burning.

As for the contraindications, they alsopractically absent. This drug is permitted even during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, since only a tiny part of it gets into the blood when used externally. Nevertheless, shampoo should be abandoned if you are allergic to any of its components.

In fact, the remedy helps many people.hair washing, which is composed of the substance ketoconazole. Shampoo reviews are mostly positive. Patients confirm that the use of such a tool really helps to quickly get rid of the main symptoms of fungal skin lesions.