Tablets "Nizoral"

Таблетки «Низорал» – противогрибковое эффективное A remedy that is used for damage to the skin, nails and scalp with yeasts and dermatophytes. The drug is indicated in systemic mycoses, vaginal candidiasis, mycoses of the gastrointestinal tract, acne vulgaris, seborrhea.

Form - round white white tabletscolors. One piece contains 200 mg of active substance - ketoconazole. The composition also includes corn starch, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, colloidal anhydrous silica, polyvidone. Tablets are in blisters of foil and PVC - 10 pieces each. In a cardboard box contains 3 blisters - only 30 tablets nisoral. Instructions for use are enclosed.

Tablets "Nizoral" are prescribed for infectionssmooth integuments and hairy areas on the head, if the local treatment did not work, the affected areas have too much area and depth.

The drug is taken with colored lichen, folliculitis, dermatophytosis, candidiasis of the mouth, pharynx and esophagus, candidiasis of the vagina, chronic candidiasis of mucous membranes and skin.

Tablets "Nizoral" are shown for fungal lesions: histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidosis, paracoccidioidosis.

Do not use ketoconazole in fungal meningitis, because the drug can not penetrate the physiological barrier between the central nervous system and blood.

Nizoral in tablets is contraindicated in children inage to three years, with acute and chronic form of liver disease, high sensitivity to the active element of the drug or any other component.

Nizoral does not prescribe for pregnant and lactatingwomen, because the degree of risk in this period is not clear. The drug can be assigned to a future mother in the event that the possible benefit for a woman exceeds the risk for the unborn child. Ketoconazole penetrates into the mother's milk, so it is not recommended to drink the drug during the lactation period.

Tablets "Nizoral" should be taken with caution to people with reduced secretion of the stomach, insufficiency of the adrenal glands, women over 50, people with alcohol dependence.

Nizoral can not be taken concurrently with such drugs as: Astemizol, Terfenadine, Misolastin, Levometadil, Halofantrine and others. Ketoconazole is incompatible with alcoholic beverages.

How to take Nizoral (tablets)?

The instruction informs about dosage and durationapplication. Adults should drink one tablet a day during meals. If the effect does not occur, then you should increase the dose twice (2 per day once). With vaginal candidiasis take a day for 2 pieces.

Children weighing up to 30 kg prescribed half a tablet a day. Children, whose weight is more than 30 kg, is offered a dosage as in adults.

The duration of treatment will depend on the diagnosis.

With vaginal candidiasis, Nizoral's treatment lastsweek, with multi-colored lichen - 10 days, skin mycoses caused by dermatophytes - 4 weeks, candidiasis of the oral mucosa 2-3 weeks, fungal infection of the scalp - up to two months, systemic fungal lesions - up to six months, nail infection - up to a year.

Tablets "Nizoral" should be taken continuously,because treatment with omissions can cause a recurrence of the infection. Therapy should be discontinued if there are such reactions as vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, jaundice, fatigue, dark urine.

Nizoral can cause various adverse reactions.The most common nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Less often, dizziness, headache, photophobia, allergies, parasthesia, menstrual disruptions, drowsiness occur. Taking Nizoral can lead to hepatitis, which occurs after discontinuation of treatment.

In case of an overdose of the drug, it is necessary to wash the stomach, if necessary, you need to drink activated charcoal.

If treatment Nizoralom lasts more than two weeks, you need to monitor the work of the liver.