/ / Delicious dish - casserole cabbage with minced meat

Delicious dish - cabbage casserole with minced meat

Modern women, despite the externalfragility and weakness, have time all! To make a successful career, give birth and bring up children, pay attention to the beloved husband, walk the dog and at the same time look after yourself, remaining well-groomed and attractive. Naturally, not the last place in the list of daily duties is occupied by the kitchen.

Maybe, from the outside, of course, it seems, what to dothere is nothing to cope with and you can do it for once or twice. However, everything is not so simple. Before culinary, you need to think in advance what to put on the table. And having found the recipe, break it into ingredients to understand what is in the refrigerator, and what after work it will be necessary to call at the store. And after cooking is going to an unimaginable mountain of dirty dishes, where does it come from? And you need to deal with it ...


Nevertheless, women manage to find time andsurprise your family with a multi-layer cream cake, then with a sophisticated salad, or even dishes of Japanese, Italian, Spanish cuisine. But, probably, everyone has such days when with cooking you want to be finished quickly. Fatigue, the need to write with a child essay on literature and just an elementary desire to relax and go to bed early! In these moments, and come to the aid of recipes rich, but easy to prepare and at the same time useful dishes. One of them is a cabbage casserole with minced meat. An excellent way out when there is no extra time, besides the organism will say "thank you" to you.

cabbage casserole recipe

You'll see, the recipe for cabbage casserole with minced meatwill forever settle in your culinary notebook. Cabbage contains vitamin U, which heals stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis. It has a lot of vitamin C (even more than in lemon). It is a source of potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus. In general, in those or other quantities in white cabbage there are almost all vitamins necessary for a person. This vegetable is simply obliged to be present in your diet! So the cabbage casserole with minced meat will not only give the holiday a taste of receptors, but will also enrich the body with useful substances.

Tasty dish

And, of course, all ladies know that meat (in our case, minced meat) is best absorbed with stewed vegetables, and not with mashed potatoes and pasta, as most men think.

recipe for cabbage casserole with minced meat

What do you need for cooking?

So, meet - a cabbage casserole.Its recipe is simple to the extreme. You need 1 kg of cabbage, 500 g of beef ground beef, 200 g of your favorite hard cheese, 2-3 carrots, a pair of onions, a packet of sour cream 20% fat (those who watch the figure can replace it with natural yogurt), vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

Casserole cabbage with minced meat: prepare a dish

No more than half an hour you will need to prepare the ingredients, and in the oven the food will be cooked at all without your participation, which can not but rejoice. So, let's get started!

Морковь и лук почистите, вымойте.Onion cut into small cubes, grate carrot on a large grater. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and chop it finely. Preheat a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the onion until golden. Add minced meat, mix, salt, pour the spices and fry for about 20 minutes. Those who follow the weight and count calories can use chicken minced meat, but then the cabbage soup with ground meat will be slightly less juicy.

cabbage casserole

Cook the onion and meat mixture from the pan and set aside. It's time to do carrots and cabbage. Pour the vegetable oil into the frying pan, fry the carrots on it.

Next stage

Then add cabbage, salt, pepper,mix and cover with a lid. Reduce heat and cook until cabbage is soft. This will take about 20 minutes. For owners of two or more pans is still easier. While one onions are fried with meat, the second one in parallel can be sharpened with cabbage and carrots, greatly reducing the time spent in the kitchen. While the vegetables are cooking, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Form for baking grease with vegetable oil or margarine or simply lay parchment for baking. Oven heat up to 180 degrees. Now start laying out the layers.

Сперва выложите половину капусты и смажьте сверху sour cream (natural yoghurt). Then add all minced meat with onion, flatten. Lightly oil sour cream. Then add the remaining cabbage, distribute it over the entire surface of the mince and pour sour cream (yogurt). The last layer is grated cheese. It must completely cover the cabbage. Voilà! Cabbage casserole in the oven!

casserole with cabbage

The final stage

Then she will prepare without your help, you needonly put the necessary time on the timer - half an hour. In the meantime, you can do your own business or just relax. When the oven signaled with an audible signal that the work was done, take out the form and cool the contents a little. Then cut the food into small portions and serve it to the table. That's ready and delicious and useful cabbage casserole! The recipe of it more than once will help you in time trouble. Bon Appetit!