/ / Pork Head Saltison Cooking Recipes

Saltison from the pig's head, cooking recipes

Each of us probably knows what this dish is,which is sometimes also called brawn. Pork head saltison made from pork, kidney, liver, heart and lungs. This is not a particularly high-calorie product, it can be safely eaten, but not often and not in large quantities. It happened back in ancient times in Russia, and now it is a traditional dish also in Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and Italy. It is a little useful, as it consists of many types of meat. How to cook it, we will understand in this article.

Initial stage: choose the head

In order to make pork saltisonhead, you first need to buy it yourself, for example, to buy. What are the selection criteria? The most basic is that it is very desirable that it is not too fat. To determine this correctly, you need to carefully examine her cheeks, since a thick layer of fat will indicate a large fat content of the head itself. As a result, the ready-made dish itself will turn out to be too fat and far from the most delicious.

pork head saltison
It happens so often that sellers themselvesthey cut off almost all the meat from this part of the carcass, and you will only get a bare skull with ears, which, by the way, should be necessary, because saltison without ears is no longer saltison. A few more requirements: see that the head was bristle-free, clean and fresh, with a clean patch of it. Ask the seller that he cut you into five or six parts.

Bought? Now we will tell you how to cook Saltison from pork head at home.

Preparation for cooking the head and cooking itself

Перед началом варки необходимо голову вымыть in the most thorough way, it is good to clean and to scrape it almost to white. After that, two or three hours soak it in cold water in order to get rid of the existing blood as much as possible. This procedure (maceration) must be repeated several times. According to the standard recipe, in order to prepare three-kilogram saltison from the pork head, we will need approximately one kilogram of beef.

pork head saltison at home
We put all this in a large pot, pourwater and boil. After boiling, we pour out the water and pour it cold again. We do this three times, and only in the third water we will cook beef with a pig's head. The cooking process lasts from four to six hours. The time depends on how old the pig is. When the meat is freely separated from the bones, it means that it is ready. It's time to pour the broth.

Crumble Saltison Ingredients

To continue cooking pork saltisonheads, its components must be crumbled. We are waiting for the cooked meat products to cool down a bit, and then separate the meat from the cranial bones with our hands. Some entrails, such as the brain, gums, eyes, are thrown away, they will not be useful to us in the future.

 pork head saltison recipe
Cut off the tongue and gently remove the skin from it.We pick up a knife, because it's time to work on it. Crumble lard, tongue, ears, diced pork skin can be cut into strips, that is, do as you like. In the same way we cut the beef piece.

Finish the recipe for pork head saltison

Well, we have to mix everythingingredients and form saltison. Add to the container with the chopped meat pieces a dozen crushed or chopped cloves of garlic, pepper and salt - to your liking. All this is very carefully, slowly, mix until until you get a perfect homogeneous mass. You can add a little broth. Now we have a very responsible final stage. The resulting mass is placed in a plastic bag, tied it and put it under some kind of oppression.

how to cook saltison pork head
You can, in order to give shape, put the mass in the sudokand press down with a load. After complete cooling, we send the future dish to the fridge. After about eight hours, the saltison of the pig's head will be ready at home. There is a recipe and more complicated, in which the pork stomach is processed, and already in it form saltison. But this is mainly done by those housewives who, in their own backyard, cut their own piglet and prepare the dish we are considering only from its products. Therefore, let's leave it for another time.

Easy and quick way to cook Saltison

В завершение предоставим рецепт, как готовить pork head saltison fast and easy. There are several such methods, one of which we will now tell. Ingredients: pork head, carrot - two pieces, two onions, spices, garlic, salt. For convenience of preparation, it is desirable to chop the head in half. Cut out the eyes and tongue, soak the head and tongue for three hours in cold water, while periodically changing the water. Then wash the head with running water.

saltison - brawn
Putting in the pan all the ingredients and four hourscook Add onions and carrots, salt, cook for another hour. Put the pepper, bay leaf and cook for another 30 minutes. We throw out onions and carrots. We are waiting for cooling and ripping off the tongue, separating the meat. We cut everything finely, you can skip through a meat grinder with a large nozzle installed. Squeeze the garlic. We fold all the contents into the fabric, fasten it, put it under the load and place it in the refrigerator. Serve on the table, cut like sausage, with potatoes and mustard. Enjoy your meal!