/ / Pork head jelly: cooking recipe

Chilled Pork Head: Recipe

On the holiday table is always a place of honor.takes jelly or aspic. Hostesses do not even scare that it is necessary to spend not so little time for its preparation. As a result, after all, it turns out a nourishing and very tasty snack that will appeal to any person. Indifferent does not happen. Usually this dish is made from beef or pork legs and poultry meat. But an interesting and no less tasty option is braised pork head. Here we are with you and consider now several ways to make it.

The standard recipe for making jelly from pork head

By and large, this dish is not particularlydifferent from any other brawn of pork, but the housewives have one that is made from the heads, it is called brawn. Such a jelly of pork head differs from the usual only by the ratio between broth and meat. It is very thick and is a good snack or breakfast. Now we will tell you the recipe for cooking this magnificent dish.

braised pork head

We wash well and scrape the pig head.If you soak it overnight - would be the perfect option. We put in a saucepan, add a piece of lean meat, a couple of pork legs, pour water - three centimeters above the meat - and send it to the stove. After boiling we remove the foam, add spices and bay leaf, pepper, salt. Many housewives put the peeled onion and carrot into the pot for flavor. Cook on low heat for three hours. Transparent broth or not, we do not care, since we take it quite a bit, only as a bundle for meat. Remove from the fire at the moment when the meat begins to easily move away from the bones. We cool, we catch the meat, remove the cartilage and bones from it, cut into cubes no more than one centimeter. Finely chop the garlic on the cutting board and mix with the cooled meat.

Form the jelly

В первую очередь нужно подготовить для готового product capacity. Take a tray for this and cover it with cling film. Here we will lay the meat with garlic. Then pour broth. In no case it is necessary to add a lot of liquid. Minimum - for pasting pieces. Stir. We collect the package or film from above and bandage it with thread, after which we send it to the refrigerator for a day. Ready pork jelly free from the package / film, cut into slices and serve on the table - with horseradish or mustard. It will be even more tasty with boiled potatoes, especially if you pour it with oil and sprinkle with greens. What is the advantage of such a dish?

jelly pig head recipe
In its small price, as the meat stands onorder is greater than the head. The only thing, brawn does not need to abuse those who have problems with the liver or stomach, as well as people who are overweight. If desired, jelly from the head of a pig can be made more dietary. Subcutaneous fat in the process of cooking turns into broth. Catch the meat out of it, strain it and put it in the fridge. Then, with a spoon, remove the raised fat. Everything, the question is resolved.

More complicated recipe for jelly: with zira, garlic and onion

To make it you need to stock up on the followingproducts: pork head, large onion, two carrots, garlic - four cloves, zira, black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt.

So pork jelly recipecooking First of all, in the store or on the market we buy the fresh head of a fairly young animal. Please cut it here into several parts. Having come home, well, under running water, we wash out our by-product. Carefully check the skin, it should not be bristles.

cooking pork heads aspic
If it is, you need to sing it.Next, with a stiff sponge or brush, carefully clean the animal's nose and its ears. Then we take a large saucepan, fold all parts of the head into it and pour two fingers above the pieces of meat with cold water.

The process of cooking aspic for this recipe

Put a pot of offal on the fire,preferably medium. We wait until boil, remove the foam. Completely lower the pre-cleaned onion, carrots and garlic into the container. Then add a little black peppercorns, bay leaf and zira. Reduce the fire as possible. Everything, let it be boiled for seven or eight hours. If you do not want to get muddy broth, do not close the pan with a lid. Excess fat is desirable to remove. Salt jelly from the pork head for about 15 minutes before the end of cooking. A sign of readiness, as you already know, is free separating of skin and meat from bones. We take out the head on a baking sheet.

recipe for jelly from the head
Then the fatty layers, skin and bones are returnedin the pan, another 45 minutes brew. At the same time, it is not necessary to add water to the jelly, as the jelly will harden worse, and the taste and color of the dish will deteriorate. Hands we divide into small fibers pieces of meat, we spread them in forms. Strain the broth through a dense gauze or sieve. It should be a bit salty to taste. Fill the meat and overnight send it in the fridge. In the morning you can serve on the table - with horseradish or mustard.

"Specific" recipe for brawn jelly from the head

List of products: pig's head, onion and spices.Buying a head, please cut it into four parts. We clean it very thoroughly, using running hot water, then rinse with cold. Cut off the fat. Some hostesses prepare it for the winter according to the following recipe. They are stuffed with garlic, rolled in salt and black pepper, put in a dish and covered, not completely blocking the access of air. Day - at room temperature, day - in the refrigerator, then laid out in bags of cellophane - and in the freezer.

pig head jelly
All is ready. Back to our head.Put her pieces in a saucepan, pouring hot water there. Boil, remove the foam, cook at low heat for five hours, do not forget to put onions and spices. Then add salt and cook for another hour. We take the cooked pieces, cut off the meat from the bone, cut it, divide it into trays and fill it with strained broth. Sprinkle with the squeezed garlic and after cooling cool in the fridge.

Another way to cook and cook pork head

Cooking jelly from pork head can bevery interesting process. Especially considering that two dishes can be made from the product. And if you want, even four. One piece of the head, for example, can be put on a delicious soup, and fried ears with cabbage. In general, so, we ask the butcher to cut his head as follows: carefully cut the cheeks, cut the head into two parts along, and finally cut each of these halves into two parts. At home we singe the remains of stubble and carefully wash the meat. Can even be brushed for washing dishes.

how to make jelly from the head
Soak in water, lightly salted, preferably.even leave overnight. In the morning we take out our cheeks and put them in a saucepan, sprinkling with the onion peel, pour in cold water and cook for two or three hours. The remaining meat, along with a couple of onions, is cooked in another saucepan for five to six hours. Salt immediately after boiling. After three hours, throw black pepper peas, 15 minutes before readiness - bay leaf.

The final stage of cooking pork cheeks and jelly

Cheeks, after they brew, salt, wellgrease garlic, rubbing it on a fine grater. Then treat with spices, cool and put in the fridge. And now the final stage of how to make brawn from the head. Here begins the most interesting and tasty. So try not to eat everything in the process of butchering and carefully look for small bones.

jelly on the table
Spread the meat on clean and dry trays,Pour broth, pre-filtering it, after some settling, remove excess fat. Then we send to the refrigerator. In the meantime, while the jelly will freeze, we take out the pork cheeks, cut them into thin strips and have a snack. Enjoy your meal!