Meat in aerogrill. Recipes

People increasingly began to think about the issuehealthy eating. More and more people talk less about harmful food, like Chinese noodles or chips, and more often one can hear arguments about the benefits or harms of certain products. In this regard, in the market one after another began to appear various adaptations that make it possible not only to easily prepare dishes, but at the same time to preserve the useful properties of products. To such adaptations it is possible to carry the kitchen combine, multivark, aerogrill and many more similar devices. About aerogril and will be discussed in this article.

Aerogril is a wonderful invention, a kitchenmechanism, greatly facilitating the work of cooking. Many owners of aerogrills have already felt this on their own experience and confirmed. Acquiring it, it is impossible to eat exclusively unsalted vegetables for steamed or porridge porridge. All people want something bright: sharp, sour and so on. Meat in aerogrill will be an excellent option for both everyday life and for a holiday. This device allows you to prepare such dishes, while minimizing the content of fat and other harmful or simply not good for the figure and health of substances.

In this article are some examples of recipes that describe how to cook meat in aerogrill.

Pork a la "Tandoori"

This recipe comes from Indian cuisine.It is designed for 4 people, and the cooking time is 1.5 hours. Necessary products: 1 kilogram of pork with bone, 1 package of natural yogurt, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of fresh grated ginger, as much coriander, a mixture of spices (as you like), salt to taste.

Pork is taken on the bone, and on itsqueezed garlic, yogurt, put coriander, seasonings and rubs the root of ginger. Then the pork is mixed and marinated for about three and a half to four hours.

На самую нижнюю решётку аэрогриля кладутся thoroughly washed, but not cleaned potatoes (pieces 8 - 10). The only feature is that they are cut in half. Put it with the cut side down. The average grate is laid out itself meat and is cooked at maximum power and temperature. Half an hour it is baked on one side, and half an hour - on the other. Then, when serving, the pork is laid out on plates with potatoes.

By this recipe is simply amazingmeat in aerogrill. Recipes in different sources differ slightly in only one - which spices should be used. But this is not so important, so you can use both an individual set of favorite seasonings, and a special seasoning, sold in stores - "For pork."

Pork tenderloin chops

Chops from pork tenderloin can also be attributed to such a section of recipes as "meat in aerogrill". Recipes of this dish, as a rule, are quite simple, and the recipe given below is no exception.

You will need the following products:1 chicken egg, 300 grams of pork tenderloin, garlic and seasonings to taste (but be sure - red pepper), a little flour, milk and salt. Pork tenderloin is cut into small portions, which are then beaten with a special hammer. Then marinade is prepared: in milk, an egg mixer is beaten with a mixer and garlic, salt and pepper are added. Then the meat is dropped into the resulting marinade and everything is put in the refrigerator for two and a half hours.

After this period, chops fall intoflour and laid out on the middle lattice in aerogrill. The average power is set, the temperature is 205 degrees and the meat is cooked for 25-30 minutes. That's ready meat in aerogrill. Recipes for pork chops in aerogrill are fast and tasty. Also, thanks to the soft milk marinade, the meat will literally melt in the mouth.

Using the example of several recipes, it is clear howtasty and at the same time useful it is possible to make meat in aerogrill. Recipes of this method of cooking make it possible to give meat dishes a unique taste that can not be achieved if other devices, such as a microwave oven, are used.