Rye bread is very healthy.It has more vitamins and fiber than wheat. Borodino bread, the composition of which has remained unchanged for many years, is one of the most delicious kinds of rye flour products. It will be interesting to trace the history of its creation and learn the features of the ingredients.
Borodino bread. Composition and versions of origin
The incredible benefits of this bread are conditionedpresence of rye malt and molasses in the test. It is because of them that it not only is extremely fragrant, but also contains a lot of irreplaceable trace elements. This sort of so-called "black" bread is very common in Russia and all countries of the former Soviet Union. It has been baked for seventy years using a mixture of rye and wheat flour of the second grade. In the thirties of the twentieth century it was made only in Moscow, the inhabitants of other cities the composition of the Borodino bread and its taste were unfamiliar. With the beginning of the active development of the food industry, it was baked everywhere.
One version says that for the first time this bread wasis made in the Spaso-Borodino monastery, which, in turn, is based on the place where the battle of Borodino once occurred. The abbess of the monastery was the widow of a soldier who died in that landmark battle.
Borodino bread - appearance and taste
Поверхность буханки должна быть посыпана coriander, there should not be cracks. The color of the bread is dark brown, shiny and even. The cake is snug against the crumb. The latter is elastic, soft, porous and not sticky. It tastes slightly acidic, but in no case bitter, with a strong flavor. For many years, Borodino bread has been baked everywhere, the composition of which is unchanged: rye and wheat flour, salt, yeast, rye malt, coriander, molasses and sugar. The preparation of the dough takes place in three or four stages.
Dyes and flavor enhancers are completely excluded.This bread, which is strictly controlled, must be made exclusively from natural ingredients. You can cook it at home, in the oven or bread maker. Of course, it’s impossible to follow the manufacturing process exactly. But it will be compensated by the pleasure of making bread with their own hands.
Products from rye flour are suitable for any diet
Borodino bread will provide your bodyvitamins of group B and a lot of cellulose. This allows it to be used even by those who want to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in their diet. With caution, you need to include this bread in your menu, if you have a problem with the acidity of the stomach. After all, rough fiber can irritate the walls of the food tract.