No matter how strict your diet isexclude bread from the diet is not worth it. Indeed, in addition to the banal calories with it, various amino acids, magnesium, cellulose, potassium and other trace elements enter the body. But to know what the calorie bread is necessary.
Bread around the head
This famous saying can be heard in differentcorners of the planet in different languages. After all, bread is one of the most ancient products. And having passed through the centuries, he was transformed an infinite number of times. And now each country has its own unique variety of bread, with its own traditions and history. It is worth remembering about the most interesting varieties, to return later to the varieties familiar from childhood and their caloric content.
- Baguette - a narrow, oblong loaf originally from France.
- Lavash is flat Armenian bread in the form of a flat cake.
- Matnakash - pita, cooked with yeast.
- Vol-van is a flaky basket without fillers.
- Pita - a cake used in Arab countries for filling stuffing.
- Chapati - Indian, dry bread.
- Tortilla - Mexican corn flour tortillas.
- Ciabatta is a porous, splendid bread from Italy.

And this photo shows focaccia, another varietybread originally from Italy. After studying the photos of other items from the list, you will be amazed how this product differs around the world. Also different and calorie bread.
Tell me, uncle ...
It was in place of the great battle of Borodino wasfirst Borodino bread was baked for the first time. And more specifically, in a nunnery based on the battlefield. Back in Soviet times, Borodino bread was tightly associated with home warmth and comfort. And all thanks to the unique aroma, which gave him a sprinkle of coriander or cumin. But we are interested in the caloric content of this product. So, 100 grams of Borodino bread will carry 205-207 kcal. But it will be easier to understand based on the average piece of bread. It has a weight of about 30 g. So, having consumed 1 piece of Borodino bread, the body will receive about 62-63 kcal. If we compare these figures with those of other bakery products, we can see that Borodino bread is not so dangerous for the figure as many other varieties.

But still there are certain limitations on hisconsuming You should not forget that the caraway seeds, coriander or other aromatic spices that make up Borodino’s can cause an acute allergic reaction. You need to carefully consider the choice of foods with spices, if you are at risk of allergies. Despite the fact that the caloric content of Borodino bread may seem very attractive.
Black bread
Если основная опасность потребления батона lies in the use of yeast, the dark varieties are created based on the yeast. This implies an increased acidity of the final product. Therefore, the calorie content of black bread should not cause concern in the first place. Because of its density, it is much more difficult for the body to process such bread, so there’s no need to hope for the exceptional usefulness of this product.

The calorie content of this bread, of course, we alsowill consider. So, 100 g when converted to calories turn into 215 units. A piece weighing 30 g will be equal to 35 kcal. Rye flour carries a lot more nutrients than wheat. Therefore, it will be more beneficial to eat a piece of black bread for dinner than to give preference to the white variety. The main benefits are vitamins of group B, in large quantities contained in black bread. They regulate the work of the digestive and nervous systems.
Bread white
Different types of white bread are much more dangerous forfigures than any other. After all, because of the use of white flour and yeast, they carry a large number of calories. And besides simple carbohydrates, which are dangerous for people suffering from diabetes, unfortunately, there is practically nothing useful for the body. Calorie white bread will be 260 kcal per 100 g of product. But thanks to the use of yeast and pomp, a standard piece will weigh about 25 g. And its caloric content will still be high. Namely, 65 kcal. The recommended amount of white bread per day is no more than 80 g. But if you are in the process of losing weight, then it is better to limit yourself to just one slice of any favorite variety. It does not matter whether it is black bread or white bread.
It is also absolutely not recommended to eat bread in hot form, as many people love. Due to its gluten content, it will make digestion difficult.
Sandwiches lovers
At breakfast, many people drink coffee with a sandwich.And for lunch they put sausage or even lard on a piece of loaf, obviously not thinking about the calorie content of bread. And in vain. Here is the calorie content of foods most commonly used in sandwiches based on the average amount in one of them:
- butter 4 g - 28 kcal;
- hard cheese 19 g - 62 kcal;
- salami 15 g - 87 kcal;
- fat 32 g - 255 kcal;
- pate 28 g - 80 kcal.

Thus, you can understand what kind of sandwichescategorically should not be used if you strive for harmony. Excessive consumption of bakery products in any case will be harmful to the body, even for those people who do not suffer from problems with excess weight. After the fifth piece, it will not matter what the caloric content of the Borodino bread differs from the calorie content of the white loaf. Therefore, you need to carefully treat your diet.