/ / Dishes from turkey fillet

Dishes from turkey fillet

Turkey meat is getting more and morepopular. It is juicy, very tender, taste like something like a chicken. The turkey does not contain allergens, it has a low content of fat and cholesterol, so dishes from turkey fillet can be called dietary.

But that's not all, this meat contains a lot ofphosphorus, plus a turkey gives the human body most energy, if you compare it with other meat. Low caloric content and useful properties make turkey an ideal product for women who watch the figure, and pediatricians recommend introducing dishes from turkey fillets into the baby's diet among the first among the meat complementary foods.

For housewives, the ease of cooking mattersturkey, it is almost impossible to spoil, if only overdry. Plus it is universal. You can stew, fry, bake, do everything that the culinary imagination has enough!

Turkey fillet in foil

The recipe is quite simple and does not require absolutelyno special culinary skills. Take a piece of turkey fillet weighing about a kilogram, not more. On all sides it is abundantly greased with salt, pepper or any desired seasonings. Then it is smeared with sour cream, it is better to take the thickest so that it does not spread. The more the layer, the more delicious and juicier the dish will turn out. The whole piece is wrapped carefully in foil, so that there are no lumens and the juice does not leak out.

Put on a pan or frying pan and sendin the oven for an hour, bake at 200 degrees. After cooking, cut the meat into slices of a thickness of not more than a centimeter and serve as a separate dish, or with any garnish.

Turkey fillet stewed in pomegranate juice

To start, you need to cut a smallbulb, cut finely and thinly. Next, a piece of turkey weighing about half a kilogram is rubbed with salt and pepper and insists for 15 minutes, then cut into small cubes, a centimeter and a half.

The onion is thrown on the heated frying pan, a couple of minutes later the turkey is sent there, it is fried for about 10 minutes, until the pieces turn white.

Понадобится пол-литра гранатового сока.A third of this volume is immediately poured into a pan with turkey, add a couple of leaves of laurel and simmer over low heat under the lid, it will take about an hour to prepare. For 20 minutes before the readiness to add a couple of crushed cloves of garlic, salt, thyme, pepper and a tablespoon of cognac.

In the process of extinguishing, pomegranate juice will gradually evaporate, so it is necessary to add it regularly, as a result, all half a liter of juice should be consumed.

Dishes from turkey fillet. Recipe with champagne

Два килограмма индейки нарезаются на порционные pieces, crumbled in flour and fried in a lot of vegetable oil. Fry no longer than 10 minutes, regularly turning the pieces to the meat to brown evenly.

Далее индейка заливается сливками в количестве 250 milliliters and butter is added, gram 100-150. All is salted and peppered. After 20 minutes, a liter of champagne is poured in (the brut), the fire is left very small, everything is stewed under the closed lid for another 40 minutes.

Dishes from turkey fillet. Rolls

300 grams of meat cut into pieces about five centimeters wide, each of them beat off and rubbed with salt and seasonings.

Filling. Canned apricots are cut into small pieces (three pieces are enough) and are combined with 50 grams of brynza, cut into strips.

A teaspoon of mustard mixed with the samethe amount of lemon juice and rub each piece on one side with this mixture. From above put apricots with cheese, roll meat with rolls and fasten with skewers or toothpicks.

Fry on both sides for five minutes, then pour the remaining juice from the apricots and simmer for another five minutes.