/ / Delicious dishes from turkey

Delicious dishes from turkey

Turkey is considered an excellent dietary product,which can be used by almost all people, regardless of health status. Regularly consumed dishes from turkey will bring huge benefit to any organism. The turkey is suitable even for children suffering from food allergies. It is the turkey that is the meat from which the lure of the child begins from 9 months of his life.

Блюда из индейки всегда ассоциируются с the onset of Christmas holidays. In the West, there is a whole cult of cooking this bird. In our country it was quite difficult to get a turkey, so it was considered a traditionally festive dish. But in our time, when the turkey began to appear more and more on the shelves of various shops, these dishes have become available almost always.

Dietary dishes from turkey can be cooked asfrom parts of the bird, and from the whole carcass. If you want to cook a whole turkey, you will need an oven or a large microwave oven, since this bird is very large and can not fit into a standard microwave oven.

The following recipe for a dish of turkeyits originality and piquant taste. It will require a turkey; 0.4 kg of calf liver; 0,4 kg of walnuts without shell; 3 eggs; pepper; 50 g of butter; milk; 0.2 kg of wheat bread.

Walnuts are scalded with boiling water and cleaned ofrough skin. Nuts are ground to a state of uniformity. Veal liver fried in oil. Bread is soaked in milk. Mix the mashed liver, crumbled bread, eggs, butter. Prepared minced meat should be added. Lovers of hot meat can add pepper to it. The bird is rubbed with a mixture of pepper and salt. The turkey is stuffed with minced meat, and then baked until cooked in the oven, regularly pouring on meat juice and turning the carcass. The cooking time of a turkey depends on its size. It is best to determine the degree of readiness of the carcass with a special thermometer for meat. The ready turkey is cut into pieces and served with red sauce and red wine.

Christmas turkey:

For this festive dish you will need a birdturkeys; a glass of rice; 0,5 kg of prunes; 0,4 kg of walnuts without shell; 50 g of butter; 4 apples; 3 tablespoons of fat mayonnaise; 100 ml of sour cream; salt; pepper.

Turkey carcass thoroughly washed and dried.It is carefully rubbed with a mixture of pepper and salt both outside and inside. Boiled rice is mixed with finely chopped prunes, chopped nuts and pieces of peeled apples. The prepared carcass is filled with minced meat, after which it is sewed up, greased with a mixture consisting of sour cream, mayonnaise and butter. The bird is cooked at a temperature of 180-190 ° C in the oven. It must be periodically turned over and watered with the meat juice that is released during cooking.

The second dishes from turkey allow to pick upthis is the recipe that you and your household will most like. These dishes include a recipe for turkey stew with onions. To prepare this dish you need 1 kg of turkey; 8 medium bulbs; 5 tomatoes; 50 ml of tomato paste; 200 ml of red wine; chopped greens of parsley, celery and dill; a third of a lemon; 50 g of butter; ground paprika, salt.

Для приготовления блюда индюшатину нарезают на portioned pieces, lightly beaten, sprinkled with paprika and ground black pepper, salt and fried from all sides until a crust was formed. In the meat add onions, diced, tomato paste and chopped tomatoes. Extinguish meat on medium heat until cooked. 15 minutes before the end of cooking in the dish add a third of lemon juice, wine and greens. At this time, the meat can be salted to your liking.