Unleavened bread, the benefits and harm of which will bedescribed in detail below, is a simple and fast baking. To purchase such a product in the store is almost impossible. After all, all manufacturers, one way or another, add yeast fungi to their product. Therefore, to get this unleavened bread, we suggest using old Russian recipes. Using them at home, you are able to make very tasty and healthy pastries, without making special efforts for this.

Unleavened bread: the benefits and harm of the product
Experts say that with frequentthe use of the products of fermentation, the human body begins to suffer fatigue. It increases susceptibility to adverse environmental effects. In other words, for lovers of lush and ruddy products, immunity is very often reduced, which contributes to rapid illness. Therefore, among all home baking the safest is yeast-free bread. The benefits and harms of this product is the main topic of discussion for many professionals.
Bread without yeast bread is really notcontains baker's yeast. But to get lush baking, manufacturers add special yeast cultures or so-called wild yeasts to it.
It is very often used to produce such bread.brew obtained by processing hop cones or willow twigs. However, researchers argue that wild yeast is no different from ordinary baking.
So what's the difference between yeast and yeast-freebread? The benefits and harms of these products are exactly the same. In this regard, experienced chefs recommend making real non-yeast bread, making it without any kind of yeast (including hops and cones), and using only fresh dough.

Making unleavened bread at home
As mentioned above, real unleavened breadmust be prepared without the use of any kind of yeast. Therefore, we decided to use whole-grain flour to ferment such baking. But first things first.
So, to make homemade unleavened bread by ourselves, we need:
- Hercules fast - 1 full glass;
- whole grain flour - 1 full glass;
- table soda - dessert spoon incomplete (optional);
- table salt - ½ small spoon;
- liquid honey - 2 large spoons;
- sunflower oil (take without flavor) - a large spoon;
- warm warm milk - 1.6 glasses.
Cooking Dough with Hercules
Before you bake the unleavened bread,need to knead the base. To do this, warm fatty milk is poured into a deep container, and then combined together with a spoon of honey and whole grain flour. Both ingredients are mixed to the consistency of thick cream, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place (about 5 hours, but longer). During this time, the flour mass should ferment a little. If this does not happen, then nothing terrible. For lush baking, you can add table soda.

Thus, after aging the ingredients inwarm to them spread crushed in a coffee grinder oat-flakes, the remains of liquid honey, sunflower oil and salt. After mixing the products, they get a rather steep, but soft dough. It is immediately used for its intended purpose.
Baking process in the oven
Unleavened bread baked in the oven prettyquickly. To do this, spread the dough in a greased with sunflower oil form and send it to a heated cupboard. In it, the product is prepared for 45-57 minutes at a temperature of 197 degrees. During this time, unleavened bread rises, becomes lush, ruddy and tasty.
Serving homemade bread to the table
Homemade bread without the use of baking orany other yeast turns out much tastier than what is sold in the store. Moreover, such baking is much more useful. After all, scientists have long proven that yeast fungi, which are used to make bread and other products, contribute to the appearance and development of cancer cells. Therefore, we recommend to bake bread exclusively at home.
Serve such a product to the table can be either hot or already cooled. As a rule, bread with oat-flakes and honey is presented to guests along with first or second courses.

Cooking unleavened bread on kefir
Sour-milk drink can serve as an excellent starter for making homemade bread. After all, no wonder this product is very often used for baking various buns, pancakes and other sweets.
So, to make real unleavened bread at home, you must purchase in advance:
- whole grain flour - about 450 g;
- baking soda - dessert spoon;
- table salt - dessert spoon;
- fresh kefir of high fat content - about 420 ml;
- sesame seeds - 2 large spoons;
- small egg - 1 pc .;
- pumpkin seeds - 2 large spoons.
Preparation of the basis
Unleavened bread on kefir is prepared much faster than the previous one. Indeed, for the kneading of the base there is no need for a long time to maintain the brew in a warm place.

For the preparation of homemade bread fresh kefirhigh fat content is poured into a metal container and heated slightly over low heat. After that, the dairy drink is removed from the stove and quenched in it table soda. When the product stops foaming, table salt, sesame and pumpkin seeds, as well as whole grain flour are added to it. All ingredients are mixed until a smooth and soft dough is obtained. It is covered with a napkin and set aside for 15-19 minutes.
The process of forming products and baking them in the oven
After the dough rests, it is divided intoa few pieces (3 or 4), and then molded round shapes. Having laid out products on a sheet, they are greased with a beaten chicken egg. This procedure will contribute to the fact that homemade unleavened bread will become rosy and acquire an appetizing glossy crust. In this form, the formed products are immediately sent to the heated cabinet.
Unleavened bread in the oven should be prepared onthroughout 47 minutes at a temperature not higher than 200 degrees. During this time, homemade pastries will increase markedly in size, become lush, tasty and very fragrant.
Serving homemade pastries to the table
После того как бездрожжевой хлеб на кефире будет baked in the oven, it is immediately removed and presented to guests. As a rule, such a product is served with hot tea. Consume it with butter, a slice of cheese or jam.

If you want to get sweeter pastries, then you can add a little sugar or honey in the dough.
Useful information about homemade unleavened bread
Now you know how to bake by yourself.tasty and fragrant bread without the use of baker's yeast. It should be noted that such a product has a number of useful properties. Among them are the following:
- In homemade bread, cooked yeast-free way, contains an incredible amount of minerals and vitamins.
- Unleavened bread made from coarse flourgrinding, is a self-contained and balanced product. Due to its unique composition, it helps to reduce excess weight, as well as the normalization of the digestive tract and the whole organism.
- Microbiologists argue that regularThe use of home-made unleavened bread markedly strengthens the immune system, and also promotes the formation of healthy cells, preventing the formation of various tumors.

Among other things, it is impossible not to say thatthat bread cooked without the use of yeast has been stored for quite a long time without losing its taste and beneficial properties. It is this fact that motivates many housewives to do baking at home, and not to buy it in the store.