/ / Irga Pie: cooking features, best recipes and recommendations

Cake with Irgoy: cooking features, the best recipes and recommendations

Berries irgi - a real gift of nature.Although the culture remains unclaimed. Despite its rich vitamin reserve, irga is not a popular berry. Therefore, it is difficult to find in supermarkets. As a rule, this amazing berry can be collected by yourself or purchased from summer residents. After all, this plant is so common that it grows in Russia, and in Kazakhstan, and in North America, and in Western Europe. Today we will share with you the best recipes and learn how to cook a pie with an irga, from which both adults and children will be delighted.

pie with irga

Berry benefits

Do not confuse irgu with thorns.Berry is similar to the fruits of blueberries. Some shade like a small plum. Only irga differs from blueberry in color, size, and vitamin complex. First, these berries have an attractive purple color with shades of blue. Secondly, the fruits usually reach 2 cm in diameter.

Berry helps not only enrich the body, but alsoclean it from toxins. Irga boosts immunity, improves intestinal motility and removes heavy metals from it, which get to us through unfiltered water and other products. The fruit of the plant has a beneficial effect on brain activity and activates the work of organs at the cellular level. Also, the berry is rich in vitamins C, A, P and group B. Irga, like blueberries, helps restore vision and has a significant impact on the nervous system. It is still surprising why culture with such a set of useful properties is not popular. Everything is simple, the fruit of the plant is akin to the mountain ash, which for people often is no more than an ordinary weed. Yes, and growing irga literally in every yard.

shortcake with irga

When to collect irgu for jams and pies

Please note that it is best to collect irguin August and September. To determine whether the fruit is ripe or not is quite simple: the berry, at any touch, is easily separated from the stem, and no effort is needed to collect it. There is no need to wait until the first frosts strike and the berry becomes sweet.

Open cottage cheese cake on sand dough

Sand tart with irga and curd is suitable forreal lovers and connoisseurs of berry cheesecake. Delicate texture in combination with ripe juicy berries will decorate any table and will cause gastronomic delight among households.

We will need:

  • For the test:sifted flour - 1 cup, butter not frozen - 150 g, sugar or honey not candied - 100 g / 5 tbsp. l respectively, eggs - 1 pc., baking powder - 1 tsp. It is not recommended to use hydrated soda, as it is possible to spoil the dessert.
  • For the filling: low-fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, eggs - 2 pcs., Sugar or honey - 100 g / 5 tbsp. l., sour cream - 150 g, shadberry - 300 g

Stages of preparation:

  1. To prepare the dough must be softened.butter in a deep bowl with flour. Gradually add sugar or honey, baking powder and egg. After that, knead the homogeneous dough. It is worth considering some features. Without eggs, shortbread dough may be overly crumbly. And it is not suitable for the pie.
  2. Cottage cheese, sugar, eggs and sour cream should be whipped in a blender until smooth.
  3. A special form should be lubricated with vegetable or butter. Then evenly distribute the shortcrust pastry in the cake pan.
  4. Pour the prepared curd mass into the mold.
  5. Irrig berries carefully process: remove the stalk, get rid of dirt and dust. Pour the berries in the form on top of the curd mass.
  6. Send the cake to the oven at 180 aboutC. Baking will be ready in 35-40 minutes.
  7. Flavored cake with igry from shortcrust pastry can be decorated with whipped cream, caramel syrup and mint leaves.

yeast dough irga pie

Yeast Dough Dessert

This recipe does not take you much time.After all, everything you need to cook is a versatile and fast dough. This requires a few components. A pie with an irga from yeast dough will not leave anyone indifferent.

The cooking process and ingredients

Take 25-30 g of high-speed yeast andadd them to a glass of warm water. Mix thoroughly, enter 2-3 tbsp. l sugar and 5 tbsp. l flour. Knead the dough, cover with plastic and a towel, leave warm for 15-20 minutes. Prepare 2 cups of flour, a pinch of salt and vegetable oil. When the dough is ready, knead the not tight dough, cover again with plastic and a towel, leave for 10-15 minutes warm.

While the dough rises, we will prepare the filling.Additional ingredients can be added to the pie with irga. This recipe uses walnuts, peanuts and sugar. Take a saucepan, pound 200 g of berries through a sieve to make mashed potatoes. Put on low heat, add 2-3 tbsp. l water and sugar. Stir until the ingredients dissolve and the mash begins to stick to the bottom of the saucepan. Do not be afraid to add some water so that the berry mixture does not burn. Do not bring to a boil, let your filling just fluctuates in the pot. When the sugar is dissolved, remove the puree from the heat, chop the nuts and allow the filling to cool.

Roll out the dough into two large plates.Grease the form with butter, lay out the bottom layer of the cake, then spread evenly the filling. Finally, gently close the cake with a second layer of dough. Bake 40 minutes in the oven at 180 aboutC, pre-lubricate the cake with egg yolk so that a crisp crust will form when baking.

shortcake cake with irga

Helpful Tips

  • To the berry filling does not flow out of the pie, you must add to the warm sauce 1 tbsp. l sifted flour, pre-lightly roasted in a dry frying pan.
  • Try adding lemon or orange zest to the filling, then your pie with irga will be even more fragrant.
  • Sprinkle the cakes with sweet crumb, which is made from flour, butter and sugar. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a crumbly dough and distribute it evenly throughout the dessert.
  • Add corn starch to the filling so that it thickens.

simple pie with irga

Exquisite ricotta or mascarpone filling

In this recipe for pie with irga you can usefamous mascarpone or ricotta cheese. To do this, it is sufficient to blend cheese 150 g with rich cream 200 ml in a blender, add vanillin, sugar, lemon peel and agar-agar if desired. Pour the filling in the baking pan and sprinkle all the berries on top. Bake 50 minutes in the oven at 180 aboutFROM.

Pie in a multivariate

Even a child can cook a pie with an irga in a slow cooker. The recipe is so simple and safe that it attracts the attention of all sweet teeth and not only.

We will need:

  • Flour - 1 cup.
  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Sugar or honey is not candied - 8 tbsp. l
  • Baking powder - 1 bag.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Irga - 200

Stages of preparation:

  • Mix flour and sour cream in a deep bowl, gradually adding sugar and baking powder. Components should be introduced gradually.
  • Bringing the dough to a uniform consistency, skip the curd through a sieve.
  • Mix it with the mass together with the eggs. The consistency of the pie should be like thick sour cream.
  • Pour the mixture into the greased form, add the processed berries to irgi and bake in a slow cooker for 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 150about C. Cooking a simple pie with ргrgy is necessary in the “oven” mode.

pie with irga in a slow cooker

Summing up

Berry pie will give you a presentgastronomic pleasure. The main thing is to spend a little time preparing an aromatic dessert, and all your friends and relatives will be delighted with the amazing recipe. These cakes can be served with tea, milk or cocoa. And to diversify the dessert, add nuts, chocolate chips, peanut butter or salty crackers. Be sure that no one will remain indifferent.