/ / Preparing a cucumber salad for the winter

We prepare a salad of cucumbers for the winter

Have you ever preserved cucumber salad? If not, then you missed a lot - you have to do it. And how exactly he prepares, we will tell you in that article.

Canned Cucumber Salad

This salad is cooked very simply, and contains the minimum amount of ingredients. But at the same time, the finished preservation has a very pleasant taste ... and the aroma! Aroma is just a fairy tale!

So, in order to prepare a salad fromcucumbers in this recipe, you need to take, in fact, the cucumbers themselves, to make their primary processing, which includes washing and removing the tips. After preprocessing, the cucumbers must be cut into not too thin, but not too thick (about 2 mm thick) circles. By the way, for the preparation of such a salad it is not at all necessary to take the most ideal cucumbers - even hooked ones will do.

После того, как вы приготовили огурцы, нужно take up the bow. In the event that you take somewhere 2-2.5 kg. cucumbers, you need about a kilogram of onions. Try to choose medium-sized heads - they will fit best. Onions need to be cleaned and cut into rings. After cutting, try to disassemble the discs into rings.

Now you need to connect these twoingredient and add seasoning to it. What is one of them? You can take sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, coriander, herbs and salt - this is the most suitable list for this preparation. All the ingredients just listed need to take 100 grams. This, of course, does not apply to salt - it will take about 1 tablespoon, as well as herbs and coriander - try to add these ingredients to taste.

Now that you have combined onions and cucumbers, a saladof cucumbers you need to put on the stove and cook for 10 minutes - you have to wait for the moment when the cucumbers change color. After that, arrange the salad in pre-prepared jars and roll under the lid.

Korean Cucumber Salad

Love little one? Then try cooking Korean-style cucumber salad. For its preparation, in addition to cucumbers, you will also need vegetables.

So, for cooking cucumbers in Koreanyou need to take fresh cucumbers - about 2 kilograms, wash them, cut off the tips and cut into thin slices about 4-5 cm long. Now, salt them to taste and leave to infuse. It will take about three hours, your task is to wait until they give the juice. Now you have to squeeze the cucumbers through cheesecloth to drain all the juice.

Now is the time to start cooking.vegetables. Each type of vegetable will need about 3-4 units. For the salad will need onions, tomatoes and peppers - all these ingredients are cut into strips.

Now the vegetables need to fry.To do this, put a frying pan on the stove and heat it. Then add the vegetable oil in it and fry onions on it. When it becomes transparent and soft, add peppers and tomatoes, then continue the frying process for another 15 minutes.

After roasting the vegetables, you need to add garlic in them - first you need to crush it, pepper it and stew for a while.

When you find that the vegetables are ready, remove the mass from the heat and let it cool a little. Then mix the cooled mass with cucumbers and spread on sterilized jars.

And now a few words about how toclose the salad in cans. As soon as you arrange the salad in jars (it is better to give preference to 0.5 liter jars), put them in a saucepan and sterilize for 30 minutes after the moment the water boils. When you get the cans, roll them up with metal lids and turn them over. As soon as the billet has cooled, you can take it to a cold place in order to store it until the arrival of winter.

By the way, one and the second salad can be served on the table without closing the cans - just put it in the fridge - from there you can get a dish at any time convenient for you.