/ / Indian mantras for attracting love

Indian mantras for attracting love

Everyone wants life to be bright. But, alas, this is impossible, if in some area of ​​life, particularly in love, not everything is going smoothly. The situation will help the mantra for

mantras for attracting love
attracting love.Many people confuse mantras with a love spell or magical effects. In fact, mantras for attracting love are as far from a love spell as Christian prayers. While reading mantras, work with the person is going on, and there is no purposeful influence on the other. In general, the main difference between mantra and magic directly in our understanding of the word.

But what is the mantra, in particular the Indianlove mantra? Literally, this word translates as "liberation of the mind." The texts of the mantras are written in Proto-language, in Sanskrit. And so the mantra for attracting love, like everyone else, must be read in Sanskrit. Here everything is important: the height of the voice, and thoughts. But the combination of sounds is also of particular importance. Agree, when translating to

indian love mantras
another language is the sound component of the mantracompletely leveled by the features of the translation language. Hindus believe that every mantra is a kind of formula that the gods revealed to the sages during meditation. What do scientists say about this? Oddly enough, they confirm the positive effects of mantras. The point here is in the special sound vibrations. Even if you say the mantra once, it will still have its beneficial effects. Remember that mantras can be repeated any number of times, as long as this number is a multiple of three. The fact is that the Indians honor the triad of gods - Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Therefore, the number 3 for them is sacred. It is believed that repeating a mantra will offend someone from the Triad a number of times. It is also important not just to read, but to sing mantras. Ideally, try to find chants in the Indian version, so as not to be mistaken in the stress and melody. So below are some mantras of love with comments.

Om-mani-padme-hum is the main mantra, becausethere is a sacred sound OM. When you chant this mantra, you tune in to the perception of positive vibrations, and also harmonize your masculine and feminine principles.

mantra of love text in Russian

Aum-Jaya-Jaya-Sri-Shivaya-Swaha is the mantra andit is sung easily, and it fills the soul with light and joy. The fact is that here, Lord Shiva, the sinless god, is the beginning and end of everything that is glorified by the All-Good. That is why this mantra has a very strong influence. True, an interesting love mantra? The text in Russian will be something like this: "Glory, glory to the all-good Shiva! Glory!"

Om-Sri-Krishnaya-Namah - an appeal to Krishna.It is also a very strong mantra, but is best suited for women, since the word Namah stands at the end. In accordance with the rules of mantra singing, it is better for women to use Namah at the end of the mantra. In general, Krishna's mantras are also very strong and practically universal.

Om-Namo-Narayanaya is one of the kindest,positive and bright. She fills with love for all life, joy and grace. This is not surprising, since such mantras for attracting love are associated with appealing to the whole Triad, in particular to Vishnu. All his faithful followers sing the same mantra.

Do not be afraid that the mantra go against yourworship. It all depends on the thoughts. Krishnaists generally believe that all gods are simply the faces of the same higher Being. Therefore, it makes no sense to separate and fear the gods of their anger.