/ / Eastern spiritual practices: what is the mantra of healing

Eastern spiritual practices: what is the mantra of healing

Мантры – особые духовные песнопения, при помощи sound vibrations establishing the contact of our spirit with other, high matters. Working with them seriously, with skill, you can improve your health, purify your energy, reach the state of enlightenment, as Tibetan monks do.

healing mantra

How to use mantras

Healing Mantras - words that fill our bodiesstrength, health, active vital energy. When singing the cherished words, do it consciously, without moving away from the process. Try to draw in your imagination a picture of how the disease leaves you. How to do it: while uttering the mantra of healing, imagine that a dark river flows from the place or organ that is disturbing and flows through your hand (lower it down) rushes into the floor or the ground. The importance of such a moment lies in the fact that you give yourself, your body, an installation for recovery. Healing mantras are very effective when taking medicine or getting healing procedures. Subtle vibrations enhance their positive effects. Naturally, the environment is important to achieve the result. Properly start your every new day with solemn hymns. Naturally, you should not be distracted by people, noise, or other circumstances. And after the healing mantras in your performance are sounded, you should sit still for a while in order for the body, the body to tune in to the desired wave. How many times do you need to repeat a spell? Traditionally, monks practicing such a recovery speak of a multiple of 7. That is, seven, 21, etc. The maximum and most effective amount for a health and healing mantra is 108. If you feel normal, then read it, for example over a glass of water. The liquid will turn into the real nectar. Drinking it is very useful for preventive purposes.

mantras of health and healing

What mantras you need to pronounce

One of the most powerful, universal action,chants - “om” or “aum”. This is the mantra "Healing the wounds of love", "Full recovery" or "Communication of the soul with the Cosmos." It has the most important, sacral meaning, as in Christianity the fundamental principle is the prayer “Our Father”.

mantra healing wounds of love
Mantra gives the possibility of karmic purificationinitiation to the Higher Mind and much more. Causing certain fluctuations in the whole organism, in the central and peripheral nervous system, the “ohm” spell, and not only that, frees us from evil, disease, various external and internal negatives. No less significant and effective is the mantra "gayatri", saving from most ailments. She is considered a kind of first aid. Masters, who have long and firmly mastered this kind of practice, argue that at the first unpleasant symptoms one should chant mentally, if you are in a public place, and out loud, if at home. The relief will come literally immediately, and soon the disease will disappear altogether, as if nothing had happened. Excellent stimulator of immunity! The appeal to Krishna also helps. From Tibetan deities, Green Tara is highly esteemed. She perfectly helps in both male and female health problems, heals the mind and body. Listen, speak the mantras associated with her, and you will completely forget about doctors, hospitals, and medications.

I wish you health and happiness!