/ Slavic mantras. Slavic mantra how to read?

Slavic mantras. Slavic mantra how to read?

Enlightened people have long considered sound and soundvibration way of impact on the body, adjusting it to the desired mode. Also, such vibrations were considered a way to influence reality. That is why they often used mantras in their practices. Mantra is a sequence of sounds that has a certain effect and is a correspondence system for influencing the organism and reality, as well as their settings.

Many know that mantras were widelyare common in such religions as Judaism and Buddhism, but few know that the Slavs also had their own mantras. In them, they also impacted reality as Buddhists did. It is difficult to say exactly which mantras are considered the best, because they all have the same nature and have their own specific nation. So, what mantras to use is everyone’s business.

How do mantras work

Many people who practice reading mantras in theirlife to make changes, noticed the fact that both Tibetan and Indian, or else the mantras of other countries are somewhat similar in their sound. It can be said that in ancient times there was only one language, which, due to temperament, mentality and other factors, was slightly distorted by each nation. This explains the difference in the sound of certain words of the mantra.

Slavic mantras were created based on the principlethat everything in the world is based on sound vibrations, and those or other consonances formed energetically charged vibrations. Such vibrations, in turn, triggered more global energy mechanisms that influenced the human body, from which these vibrations emanate or the surrounding reality as a whole.

Slavic mantras

Mantras that Slavs used may beare somewhat similar to Tibetan or Indian, but many will notice the difference between the mantras of different countries. However, it is worth noting that Slavic mantras, in the opinion of people using them, create sound vibrations that are best suited to connect with the Universe and higher beings, and therefore can have the best effect on the body or reality as a whole.

Slavic mantras

Please note that when reading SlavicMantras need to clearly understand what kind of result you want to achieve. This is due to the fact that they have a clear specifics and not less clear focus. The most ancient Slavic mantras - agmas have a special force of influence and interest among people. It is about them that will be discussed.

What is agmy

Если давать краткое определение такому понятию, as agma, these are words that, in their consonance and correct pronunciation, have a clear impact on reality and the human body reading the mantra. It is worth taking into account the fact that these ancient Slavic mantras clearly differ from each other. They differ in the types and methods of exposure. For example, the Slavic mantra of power acts differently than the mantra Zrozhen, which has a healing effect. The other mantras, which the Slavs have left us with, are also divided among themselves.

Slavic mantras-agmas: how to read to achieve results

There are two things to consider when reading mantras:This is the mood and rules of pronunciation. Before reading any Slavic mantra, you must clearly understand what you want to achieve and what you want to feel on yourself. As mentioned above, each mantra of the Slavs has its clear impact on the person and on the reality that surrounds him.

Slavic mantras

Именно поэтому славянские мантры – слова, triggering energy mechanisms leading to some changes. Speaking about the mood when reading mantras, it is worth taking into account the fact that they work in the case when a person represents the forces that the mantra gives on a global scale, not narrowing in his perception to something one. For example, reading the Slavic mantra, in which the word “red” is present, it is worth imagining the beauty that is global and cannot be described by words. The same applies to other words.

Rules of pronunciation

How to pronounce the words of the Slavic mantras correctly, we will show you with the example of the most universal sound combinations.

Saying the mantra of the Higher, which can alsoto have the name Rod, you should understand that in it we appeal to the highest being, which can be understood only in those moments when our consciousness is as pure as possible. The text of this mantra consists of those words - "Om Vishnava Namah".

Slavic mantras of agma

The first word is pronounced slightly drawn out.In the second, it is important to put emphasis on the first and third vowels, and in the third to emphasize the second vowel. As a result, we get the following consonance: "Oomm Vysnnawee Namah".

Turning to nature itself with the help of the mantra Velez,It should be understood that nature is matter as a whole with all its laws, and not just water, birds and forests. Mantra Velesu also consists of three words. Her text is "Om Velese Namaha". When pronouncing the second and third words, emphasis is placed on the second vowel and the last two vowels, respectively. The result of the correct placement of stresses will be the following combination of sounds: "Oomm Veeles Namahaa".

Slavic mantra of power

In the Slavic mantras you can also refer toother higher beings. For example, to Kupala, Svarog, Perun, Lada, Kryshenyu and Mokos. When reading the mantra, the names of these higher powers should be pronounced as follows: Kupaala, Svaroozh, Peruuni, Laada, Kryshnaya, Makoshvaati.

Other mantras

In addition to the above mantras Slavsused many others who had a somewhat lower versatility compared to those in which the treatment went directly to the higher powers of the Slavs. Each of them has its effect on different areas of your life, changing them for the better.

Slavic mantra alive words

If you need strength that will help strengthen and maintain the bonds of the family, as well as strengthen the bond with the amulets of the family, agma Radogoy will help you.

Attract success, climb the career ladder and rectify the situation by combining Slavic mantras together. These include War, Svyatoche, Varra, Vesse.

Protect from the negative impact of how peopleand the higher powers are also helped not by the mantra of the Slavs alone. Mantras that have a protective effect not only disperse the negative and dark energy, but also help to connect with the spirits and amulets that protect your gender. These agms include Zrozhden, Daro, Slavo, Svyatoche, Era and Gar.

Slavic mantra Drago, as well as the mantraYasun, Zarga, Varra and Verga help attract wealth, give strength to the beginning of a new business that will be crowned with success and even helps to improve relations with people of the opposite sex.

Is alive

Along with the agmas Slavs used suchmantras that are called Alive. According to legends, the secret of their names lies in the fact that they turned to the goddess Alive, who patronized all that is alive among the Slavs. Like the Slavic mantras-agmas, alive are capable of influencing reality with their sound vibrations and launching certain mechanisms.

Slavic mantras agmy alive

Привлеченные этими мантрами силы помогут read them to restore health, program it to normal operation. The Slavic mantra is alive, whose words are directed to the power of all life and life itself, will help to restore mental balance, overcome diseases and remove the negative effects of stress.

Additional influence Alive

Мантры Жива не только обладают целительными и balancing abilities. Vibrations produced when they are read have a much wider range of influence on a person and on his reality. Often these mantras are able to awaken additional abilities in a person that he did not know about before or could use in those moments when he was on the verge or in a state of danger. A person who reads mantras becomes stronger and more enduring. He has increased sensitivity, improved reaction.

Reading setting

Mantras, like any other appeal to the universeIt should be carried out in a certain setting, which is also important in achieving the full and desired result. About the emotional mood was mentioned above. Now let's discuss the room and appearance when reading the mantras left by our ancestors to be inherited. Clothes and premises must be clean. The room in which you read the mantras of the Slavs is in some way a holy place where there is no place for chaos. After all, Slavic mantras are an attraction to your life of the kind and light forces of the Universe, which will help you to overcome all manifestations.

Slavic mantras agma how to read

It is also worth considering the time of day.It is best to read the circles of the Slavic mantra in the early morning or just before bedtime in the late evening. However, if you feel an urgent need, you can read the magical harmonies during the day. You can read them both about yourself and in a whisper or out loud. The main thing is to make your appeal to the higher forces heard. Only then the energy of the Universe will fill your life and help to change the reality.


Our ancestors saw the essence of things, more relying ontheir feelings than on rationalistic judgments. It is for this reason that they were able to leave their descendants, that is, us, such a wide spiritual heritage. No one will argue with the fact that the mantra, as part of this heritage, is a powerful tool that, with proper handling of it, will help not only to change a person’s life, but to make it much better. After all, they can easily reach out to the very origins of the universe, and touch their vibrations to those forces that are unimaginable and not always available in understanding. The main thing is to come up with the right mood, with a clear understanding of the result we want to achieve, to clear our consciousness so that we can connect with the Universe and turn to its forces so that they turn their attention to us and help us achieve new heights, achieve harmony and know true indescribable happiness.