Almost every person repeatedly in hisLife experienced such a feeling as negative. There are people who are more susceptible to this emotion, and there are those who are difficult to unbalance. Why do some people react more to a negative charge, but does it seem to bounce off from someone? What is negative, what is its impact? And most importantly, how to protect yourself from its adverse effects?
What is negative
It is a feeling that carries destructive energy.
Negative can be directed, as on others,and inside the person himself. We experience this emotion when we are dissatisfied, angry, sad, dissatisfied, etc. Irritation can be acute, caused by some immediate action, and can be chronic, accumulating over the years. People who are pessimistic are more prone to negative emotions. Optimists, on the contrary, are less likely to suffer from negativity, and tend to get rid of it more quickly.
Worst of all, when the negative is directed inward.Outwardly, a person can throw out emotion and forget about it. And if he is dissatisfied with his life, and begins to blame himself for failures - he directs negative energy against himself. It is most difficult to get rid of this form of the negative impact of adverse life circumstances on the human psyche.
Why do you need to get rid of the negative
What is negative?This is a destructive energy that is detrimental to all living things. If a person lives in this state for a long time, the vital functions of his organism begin to suffer. Sleep is disturbed, immunity is inhibited, a person begins to get sick more often with various infectious diseases, internal organs can suffer, and, due to constant stress, hypertension can develop.
Purification of the negative is a very important task.Considering what problems negative emotions can bring, it is extremely important to learn how to get rid of them in time, and never accumulate them. Cleansing our thoughts and feelings, we acquire inner harmony, which sets up our body to work properly.
Included are the mechanisms laid down by nature itself.that help us stay healthy for many years. In addition, the quality of life improves, as a positive-minded person focuses his attention only on the positive aspects and does not focus on failures.
Mantra of Negative Purification
One of the ways to get rid of negative emotions is to cast special spells. They are called mantras. These sacred texts are used in Hinduism and Buddhism.
For people of this faith, mantra is practicallythe same as for Orthodox Christians prayer. Each sound of such a text carries a deep meaning. A specific spell usually requires exact play. Cleansing words act fruitfully, they eliminate negative thoughts, tune in to a positive, enable a person to find harmony. What is negative? This is negative energy. And negative energy is neutralized only with the help of a positive charge, with which mantras just fill a person. For the purification of the negative, there are such sacred texts: the mantra of purification to Shiva, OM MANI PADME HUM, the mantra Gayatri and others.
How to read mantra
Для лучшего эффекта их необходимо читать daily for an hour. The best time for this is early morning. In order for the text to work - you need to be able to relax and concentrate. And most importantly - you need to believe that the spell will help. It is necessary to mentally imagine how the negative leaves your body, and only bright and good feelings fill it.
Mantra from the negative benefits those who believein her power. You can feel its effect on yourself after the first session. But do not stop. Practice should be daily until your thoughts are completely clear, and the soul does not find the desired peace.
This method can also be attributed to self-hypnosis.Man is a suggested being. And you can inspire, both others and yourself, very much. Having worked on himself, it is even possible to completely change his world view. The main thing is to act correctly in order to benefit yourself and do no harm.