Slavic tattoos and their value with eachyear become more and more famous and popular. Of course, Scandinavian symbols are known by many, but Slavic culture is gaining more and more fans. Ancient and fascinating, it is rich enough, original and interesting. And one of its most noticeable parts is the Slavic runes. Both their significance and their influence is a purely cultural matter, but all of them symbolize various aspects of the universe, require bright thoughts and purity of mind and soul.
Slavic tattoos and their significance are associated withby magic. Each sign, each image made it possible to more deeply and better see and understand the world around us, to feel its very essence. These symbols - the runes - as if open some invisible doors to certain knowledge and give them a person. Our ancestors believed in this and used charms not only made of wood, metal and stone. Runes were used in embroidery, writing, drawings - this is a special system for preserving culture, traditions and knowledge.

Slavic tattoos are signssymbolizing mother earth (Bereginu), homeland (support), love, goodness and fertility, fire and truth, strength, roads and peace. All these images serve as a talisman, a kind of information field, as well as a connection with their own history and people.
Slavic tattoos are becoming increasingly popular, and their significance is also becoming more and more famous. Perhaps, more often than not just drawings are used for this, but amulets - runes.
The most important of them, perhaps, the rune "Peace",transmitting the image of the Tree of Universe. This is a fairly common image in world cultures. He has our neighbors, the Vikings. The rune "Peace" personifies the desire for order, the inner essence of man, and also gives the patronage and protection of the gods.

Its opposite is the rune "Chernobog".These are the forces of Chaos, the destructive, tearing chains and bonds. Well, all the forces of both destruction and order revolve around the center of the world, the Alatyr runes. It is the center of all being, where everything comes and where everything that comes from comes.
The rune "Rainbow" is the road, the endless path tocenter of the world. This battle is determined by the struggle of the forces of Chaos and Order - Flame and Water. This rune helps in traveling, in the favorable resolution of difficult situations and difficulties. The road in this sense is not just a path, but also a special state of mind, where there is no end, no beginning, but there is both a source and a finish.
Slavic tattoos - and their value, and theirproperties - are studied by many venerable scientists and history buffs. The Rune of the Lower World "Viy" stands out among them - a symbol of fate, inevitable and inevitable rock, death and darkness. Everyone faces them. This Fleece - a kind of prohibition, constraint of action, coercion, bonds and shackles. Well, the hand of "Steal", in contrast to it, symbolizes disclosure, purification, liberation.
Slavic tattoos and their meaning are not studiedonly cultural scientists. They are popular among modern people, eager to find some roots, intangible spiritual connection with ancestors, with nature, the past and history. And of course, it's just beautiful.