/ / How to make a successful start to a career? The first step is to recall the practice leader from the enterprise

How to make a career start successful? The first step is to recall the practice leader from the enterprise

There is one eternal problem for young peoplespecialists: how to get a job in the absence of work experience? The paradox, and only. It is impossible to get a job without experience, and the latter can not be acquired without official employment. How to solve such a strange paradox, often encountered in real life? It turns out that this can be done very simply.

Golden key to a career

tip of the practice leader from the enterprise

For all students, a prerequisite, beforethan to write and defend the final qualifying work, is the passage of pre-diploma practice. In the process, the trainee must show his initial knowledge in the field of activity. The quality of the student's knowledge, skills, skills will reflect the recall of the practice leader from the enterprise. Unfortunately, very often this requirement is formal. And as leaders of practice, and students-interns. And completely in vain. With a competent organization and the passage of this stage, you can get the overall benefit. A student can be a promising employee. And the results of practice - a golden key to a career.

How to successfully start a career without work experience

In order for practice to open the "magic door" to success, it is worthwhile to seriously approach this process. Here are some tips for students:

  1. The choice of the enterprise for the practice. Choose a place in advance. To inquire about the need for personnel at the enterprise. Learn about the benefits and possible problems in the organization.
  2. Choice of the head of practice. The mistake of the trainees is the desire to only mentionpractice. Should not be doing that. It is better to discuss with the head of the conditions and find out what practice can be useful for the administration. Tell about the personal abilities that can be useful and benefit from their practical application in the enterprise.
  3. Discussion of evaluation criteria. In the preliminary discussion of the conditions, the criteria for evaluating the results should be determined. On their basis, a review of the practice leader from the enterprise about the student's work will be given.

In case of a positive solution of the issue, these stages will become valuable investments in the coin box of the experience and portfolio of the future job seeker.

How to prove yourself in practice: useful advice

a review of the practice leader from the company about the student's manager's work

В процессе прохождения необходимо вести дневник a trainee whose data will serve as material for writing feedback from the practice manager from the enterprise. Subsequently, it will become a practical part of the final qualifying work and the basis for writing a high-quality resume.

Important scrupulously and as efficiently as possible.get results. If preparation of promotional materials about products is indicated, then it is necessary to indicate how many prospectuses have been prepared, for example, what is the quality of the material, according to reviews from outsiders, etc. Thus, the assessment should be expressed in qualitative and quantitative characteristics. It will be based on feedback from the practice manager from the enterprise.

feedback from the company’s practice manager on the student’s work

Head, under the patronage of which passesgetting work experience is a non-random person in the process. An important stage in successful practice will be establishing mutually beneficial contact for the student. But not for the purpose of getting a good review. It is essential that the manager has invaluable experience in this field, it is impossible to read about him in textbooks, and he will accumulate with the intern after many years.

The results of the practice - the starting point of success in your personal career

As an example, we will cite the review of the practice manager from the enterprise about the work of the student manager:

Feedback on the practice of the student group B-214 Oksana Ivanova.

Ivanova Oksana practiced asassistant manager at the company Vernissage LLC from March 1, 2014 to April 20, 2014. During practice she showed her knowledge in the field of collecting and competently systematizing information. She mastered the skill of calling customers to get material that is statistically significant for the enterprise. She showed herself as a disciplined and responsible employee. According to the results of practice worthy of the rating "excellent". It is recommended for work at the profile enterprise.

This is an impersonal review option. It can be filled with significant indicators for the intern and serve as a recommendation for recruitment.

Practice - the criterion of truth and the starting point of personal success

opinion of the practice manager from the enterprise about the student’s work example

According to the results of the practice written reviewhead of practice from the enterprise about the work of the student. An example of a variant is usually offered when concluding an agreement on internship between an educational institution and an organization. But you should not be limited to this standard. Try to get the feedback from the practice manager from the company to be alive, unlike patterns and contain real results that give grounds for non-standard assessment of the first professional experience. This can be achieved only in the case of a truly responsible attitude to work. Feedback can be saved, and it will serve as a recommendation for employment.