Domestic ladders with wide steps -an ideal tool not only when performing common construction and repair activities, but also when implementing a wide range of other household tasks. Today it is quite difficult to imagine the owner of a private house or country house, which does not have such a functional ladder.
The stepladder with wide steps is differentsimplicity of operation, universal qualities, high level of safety and is an extremely stable device. Let's look at the main options for such structures and how to use them.
Materials of manufacture

Что касается наиболее тяжеловесных моделей из iron and steel, they are the embodiment of reliability. Mostly such options are preferred by professional craftsmen who need their regular use and have suitable transport for transportation.
Wood is quite popularstep ladder with wide steps. Such a choice can be considered optimal if it is necessary to perform small, simple works. However, it is rather difficult to call such a practical solution really. Most of the wooden structures are impressive in size. In addition, the real disadvantage is the low service life of the material.
Ensure safe work with electricitycapable of dielectric stepladder with wide steps, made of fiberglass (fiberglass). This material does not conduct current, at the same time it is practically not inferior to metal in durability and reliability.
Design Features

A good option for working in cramped spaces.there will be a stepladder with wide steps (3 steps) with the possibility of a compact transformation. In the folded state, such folding structures occupy a minimum of free space.
As for the ladders with sliding elements,then they allow you to adjust the height of the lift, which becomes indispensable when performing construction and repair activities, as well as the need to work in the garden.
For mid-level choresthe best choice in terms of convenience will be a stepladder with wide steps (3 steps made of aluminum). Due to the low weight and small size, this solution will be truly mobile. This quality is especially important if you need to self-finish the walls and ceiling, pasting wallpaper, when the ladder has to be moved frequently from place to place.
Convenience of operation and safety

- the presence of pronounced textured grooves on the steps;
- material thickness;
- strength, reliability and stability of the structure;
- the presence of protective plates that overlap protruding joints, sharp corners and metal cuts;
- the presence of lugs on the legs supports, which prevent the stairs from sliding.
Advantages and disadvantages

The downside here can be considered somewhat overestimated.the cost. However, the price in this case is not too different from the usual folding stairs. Especially in everyday life step-ladders with wide steps are much more convenient.