/ / Pedal tractor for children: features and recommendations for your choice

Pedal tractor: features and recommendations for your choice

Многие современные родители хотят, чтобы их дети stood out against the background of their peers. Wanting to please the growing heir, moms and dads often acquire new original toys. After reading this article, you will learn how to choose a pedal tractor.

pedal tractor

What is such a toy?

Almost every boy loves cars.As the child grows up, the models are replaced by one another. And this applies not only to the size of the toy, but also to its design and technical characteristics. And now comes the moment when parents decide to buy for their child a "real" big vehicle that he can manage on his own.

Одним из таких вариантов считается детский pedal tractor. It is equipped with four wide and fairly stable wheels, and therefore has a high cross-country ability in various soils. The toy is controlled by a chain drive and pedals. The maximum permissible load that such vehicles can withstand is fifty kilograms.

For the production of such tractors,high-strength plastic or light metal. The first option allows a little cheaper product, the second - increases the stability and strength of the model. Also often produced are combined machines, which are characterized by excellent technical characteristics.

tractor with a trailer

Variety of assortments

On the shelves of specialized storesa rather wide range of such products is presented. Therefore, for parents it is not difficult to find an option that is optimal for their baby. Modern manufacturers produce products in a variety of designs. For example, some models are equipped with a front climbing and lowering bucket, which allows carrying small loads. Control is carried out by means of several levers hidden inside the machine. Also, if desired, you can easily find a tractor with a trailer, which is a small copy of this transport.

pedal tractor with bucket

Recommendations for selection

The first thing you need to ask the seller -certificate of quality. In the absence of this documentation, it is better to immediately go to another store. If everything is in order, then you can proceed with the selection of the appropriate option. For a young child, you can buy a more stable four-wheel model. As a rule, such a pedal tractor is additionally equipped with a handle-tolokar for controlling someone from adults. Also pay attention to the wheels. They must be rubberized. The stability of the machine directly depends on the diameter of its wheels. The bigger it is, the easier it will be for a child to manage the tractor.

Для большего сходства со взрослыми аналогами Such transport is often additionally equipped with a dashboard and luminous headlights. In many shops you can purchase even a pedal tractor with a bucket or a trailer.

Advantages and disadvantages of such toys

Такой транспорт легко приводится в движение.It is controlled with the help of pedals, which are located at the bottom of the machine. Unlike electric vehicles, it has a lighter weight. Therefore, the pedal tractor can be taken out to the street without an elevator. In addition, we should not discount the important indicator of price. The cost of such toys is an order of magnitude lower than radio-controlled or battery analogs.

The drawbacks are that the machine does notwill move from the place without effort on the part of the child. If the child is tired or simply refuses to operate the tractor, the parents will have to deal with the "parking" of children's transport on their own.