So, today we will think how to make a ladder in"Maynkrafte." The fact is that this is a very important element of any home, especially if you chose the option "on the tree." But let's first get acquainted with the item closer, and then see how it is created.
But before you make a ladder in Meinkraft 152 (or any other version), let's see what kind of thing this is and why it is needed. Maybe, without it, it is possible to play safely?

Indeed, without a ladder you can play, andquite successfully. True, as long as you do not need to get somewhere, especially if you have chosen a house for yourself, like a house on a tree. The functions of this game object are no different from the real ladder. True, there are several options for creating and models. Let's get to know them better.
So, let's see how to make a ladder in"Minufaft" of classical style. It's about the "garden" option. This is an excellent inventory, through which you can go down into the mine, climb a tree or somewhere higher. So let's try to make this item with you. What is necessary for him? Now we'll find out.
What does a real stepladder actually do?Of course, wood. But if you are thinking how to make a ladder in the "Maincrafter", then you will need something else. Namely - sticks. It is enough to collect 7 units of this resource and combine them on a workbench. At the exit you will get 3 ladders. It seems to be nothing difficult. But it's almost impossible to find a stick in the game world! What to do? Let's try to figure out how we should proceed!
Looking for a resource
Since the stick can not be found in the game, it means itscan be crafted! Indeed, the subject matter needed to answer the question of how to build a ladder in the "Meincraft" is created on a workbench. However, it is necessary to know, that for this purpose it is required.

All sticks are a kind of wood.That's exactly what we need. Where can I get this resource? Yes, anywhere - vegetation in the game, more than enough! So, if you're thinking of crafting sticks, you can safely chop any trees. Of these, you will receive the necessary material to create. True, you can stumble on a small surprise - if you decide to cut various types of wood, then various tree blocks will be placed in the inventory. More precisely, differing in color. Do not be afraid of it - the color does not play any role in creating stairs or sticks. True, you need to combine only those items that belong to the same species of vegetation. After you have made the sticks, you can combine them on a workbench and get the object you need. Now you know how to make a ladder in the "Maincrafter".
But there is another kind of "lift".This is nothing more than real steps. To some extent they are also a ladder. True, there are several types of them, depending on the material they are crafting. So let's see how to make a ladder in the "Maincrafter", called the steps.
First, decide which materialswill craft an object. The simplest, but least reliable, method is made of wood. In addition, you can build a stone, brick, sand and quartz ladder.

Secondly, after the previous step, get everything outthe items you need. This, of course, blocks of selected materials. If you plan to make a wooden staircase, then you need 6 blocks of boards. They are obtained by processing wood. Stone can be obtained from stone mines, brick - from 4 combined stone blocks, sandstone - from sand blocks. Quartz can be scraped using 4 units of the lower world quartz or the corresponding blocks.
Now that you have extracted all the materials, justcombine them. On the output you will get 4 units of steps. You can use them as you see fit. Now you know how to make a ladder in the "Maincrafter".