/ / What is a hydraulic cylinder for a press?

What is a hydraulic cylinder for the press?

The action of an extensive group of mechanical powerThe equipment is based on the function of hydraulic cylinders. In some way, it turns out the drive system, which at minimum cost implements the duty cycle. Units in which such nodes are integrated are used in industry, construction, and also in private farms. A wide spread hydraulic cylinder for the press, exerting pressure on a particular material. This may be a recycling machine, and matrix devices in the industry, and production lines, sealing the blank mixture.

Design and operation principle

hydraulic cylinder

The essence of any hydraulic machine is based onapplying pressure fluid to the piston, which is located in the cylinder. The metal rod of the hydraulic cylinder ensures the cyclic operation of the unit, transmitting the working moment to the final recipient of energy. In the case of a press, the result of the working moment will be the force applied to the sealing platform. For example, massive pressing panels in garbage processing machines provide compact ramming of waste paper, metal and other waste.

Separate attention deserves the site developmentefforts. As already noted, the pressure is formed by the flow of fluid to the piston. Ordinary water can also act as an active substance, but in powerful systems specialized oil is used. In this case, the hydraulic cylinder can be driven by both manual force and an electric motor, which automatically forces pressure through the fluid.

Varieties of aggregates

hydraulic press cylinder

Two versions of hydraulic cylinders are common.These are two- and one-sided units with fundamental operational differences. Two-way mechanisms are considered more efficient and functional, in which the piston stroke is provided in both directions with liquid. This is a complex hydraulic cylinder that interacts with a plug line to drain and renew water or oil. Accordingly, one-way hydraulics can be considered as a simpler mechanism. In this case, the fluid creates only force in one direction, after which the piston is returned to the place with special devices - usually springs.

Main characteristics

hydraulic cylinder repair

Technical and operational parameters applicableto cylinder hydraulic units can be divided into two groups - providing the power potential and structural. The main characteristic that determines the hydraulic cylinder in terms of efficiency is precisely the power load. The pressure varies from 2 to 50 tons. Minimum load values ​​up to 10 tons are capable of providing one-sided units, and more than two-sided ones.

In terms of design values, it is important to considerrod stroke and its diameter. The average stroke is 150-400 mm, and the diameter is about 40 mm. These data do not have special significance in terms of performance if the force initially meets the load requirements, but it is important to consider them in order to ensure the possibility of subsequent integration into the operational complex. For example, hydraulic power cylinders with a large working stroke may not be suitable for a modest-sized waste processing station. Conversely, when equipping an industrial lifting machine, it makes no sense to look for a compact cylinder, since it is more likely that such a model will not be able to provide sufficient force.

Hydraulic cylinder manufacturers

Quality cylinders for different needs are available.under the brands Ombra, JTC, Trommelberg, etc. In the families of these companies, you can find units for equipping small car repair shops, and industrial installations that create tens of tons of effort. Also on the domestic market are widely represented models of the enterprise "Sorokin" in various modifications. In this case, the Russian hydraulic cylinder will be cheaper, but it will provide the same operational effect. Another thing is that the company is more likely focused on the lower and middle segments - mainly hydraulic cylinders with a load of about 10 tons. However, the limitations on the impact force are compensated by structural flexibility. Such mechanisms can be used both as an independent functional apparatus, and as a tooling in the composition of larger productive machines.

hydraulic cylinder rod

Additional equipment

Additional equipment for hydraulic cylindersIt is a device for optimizing control, lighting devices, and security systems. The choice of a device is determined by the operating conditions of the mechanism. Often purchased LED lights, through which the equipment can be operated at any time of the day. In addition, the presence of a protected backlight may be required in case an unscheduled repair of hydraulic cylinders is planned, which often involves adjustment operations with pump connections or spring correction. In more complex designs, electronic control panels are often used, which automatically control the flow of working fluid to the pump group of the hydraulic system.

hydraulic power cylinders


Efficiency of lifting pressmechanisms is largely determined by the action of the pistons, causing the functional components in the action. Performance, in turn, directly determines the hydraulic cylinder for the press and its technical parameters. As a rule, the larger the size of the rod, the higher the efficiency of the system. Accordingly, for the maintenance of large machines, dimensional cylinders are acquired that can not only set in motion the pressing platform, but also exert sufficient force through it. In addition to the load itself, the quality of the hydraulics function is determined by the work algorithm, which will depend on the nature of the connection and the interaction of the cylinder with the rod.