/ Homemade jack press. Press do it yourself

Homemade ram press. Press yourself

The hydraulic press is adevice used in order to obtain a high level pressure. Most often it is used to give different forms to various materials, for lifting or transferring heavy loads, compressing certain substances, displacing large quantities of liquids, and so on.

homemade jack press

The device and the action of the hydraulic press

The press from the jack, created with your own hands, sothe same as industrial, received widest application in the field of metal processing for stamping, forging, bending, extruding profiles and pipes, pressing, briquetting raw materials, packaging of various kinds of materials, industrial manufacturing of plastic, rubber and wood chips.

To date, hydraulic pressesactions are used in any industrial enterprise, but in everyday life it is also widely used. Its principle of operation is based on the application of several hydrostatic laws. The practical use of this teaching allows, by applying a slight effort in one place, to obtain a large efficiency in another.

press from the jack with their own hands

The design of the fixture is based on twointerconnected cylinders with pistons that differ diametrically. Inside these cylinders is water, oil, or another liquid that allows you to use the force of the laws of hydrostatics in action. Today on the press with their own hands, the working cylinder is most often installed in a vertical, less often - in a horizontal position. For different applications and types of tasks performed, the device can handle loads ranging from several tens to several thousand tons.

How to make a press out of the jack

Thanks to the skillful hands of our self-taught, today wewe have a large number of various inventions that allow to ensure the implementation of complex tasks. One of such devices is a hydraulic press from a jack, which is quite realistic to make on our own, without spending on the purchase of a finished machine.

homemade press

You can use it to solve differentproblems, such as pressing waste after metal processing. With the help of this device, you can deform all sorts of blanks, make holes in the necessary places. Since the hydraulic press is homemade, the garage is quite suitable as a workshop.

Required Tools

Make a homemade jack press enoughsimply. To do this you need only a welding machine with welding electrodes, as well as a grinding machine for metal. In addition, you will need a metal profile in sufficient quantity, which will be used as the main raw material for creating the press.

To get the required pressure applied toto the working cylinder, it is necessary to use the pump hydraulic or manual action. The most suitable option in this case is a bottle-type hydraulic jack with a built-in manual pump. Also note that the correct position for the jacks, provided by the developers, is exclusively vertical. Use of the device by a sliding rod down is not allowed.

Для использования в домашних условиях вам You will need a homemade jack press capable of withstanding loads of 10-20 tons. Next, pay attention to other equally important characteristics, such as its dimensions, weight, working stroke of the piston and the parameters of the bed. To get the necessary pressure inside the cylinder, usually use a hydraulic or manual pump.

press do it yourself

Homemade jack press: the basis

The base will be a supporting platform capableto withstand the required load. The base must be made as strong as possible, since the pressure is applied in proportion to the working units. Calculate the necessary strength so that the frame was able to withstand the load on it with a margin, as a self-made working press will tend to break the frame structure.

Select the width of the frame opening depending onsizes of materials prepared for processing. Consider the fact that this indicator can not be less than the total size of the components of your press equipment. The height is calculated based on the dimensions of the jack used, the required value of the free amplitude of the rod, the height of the desktop and the expected height of the objects to be processed.

The jack must be installed on the base whenThis will use the top of the frame itself as a support for the parts. The force supplied by the rod to the object being processed must be transmitted from the movable desktop. It is mounted on top of the frame structure of the jack. On the bed should be ensured its free movement up and down.

jack press drawings

Get the strength you need,having made several stiffeners. Take a square or rectangular profile 50x40 / 50x50mm. If you do not have the product of the required size, cut a large sheet in accordance with the required parameters. It is necessary to attach the profiles to one another side parts and weld their seams at the top and bottom. This will give the necessary rigidity to the base.

To make a hydraulic homemade press ofjack steady, you have to weld a steel plate from 8 to 12 mm thick and 200х250 mm in size to already made construction. On each side, two retracting springs are mounted on the jack - at one end to the worktable, and the other to the base of the bed. They are attached specifically to compress the jack to its original position. Springs must be of appropriate size and rigidity.

Manufacturing emphasis for the device hydraulic action

The press of the jack, do-it-yourself,must have a stop, for the manufacture of which the same material is used, which was used when welding the uprights. In length, make the workpiece the same as the width of the supporting structure. Finished products are welded together and welded to the support structure. During the execution of all works, use devices that allow to observe the perpendicularity of the welded blanks. Weld one to the other two metal corners with a size of 40x40 mm of arbitrary length (30-50 cm) at 90 degrees. Next, the welded blanks are added together and fixed with the help of a welding machine.

hydraulic jack press

So, we managed to keep the required angle.connections. You can add to the resulting square clamping devices that will prevent the change of the welding angle when exposed to temperature.

How and why to make a resistant element removable

Another important element that has a press,created with your own hands - a removable stop that can move along the guides and transfer pressure to the component. To make it, you need to prepare metal pieces of approximately 10 millimeters in thickness. Along the length of the workpiece, make a little less than the resulting distance between the two racks. Elements are welded on both sides.

how to make a press out of the jack

Fast replacement of an emphasis

To allow for immediate replacementThis element when necessary and for its fixation when moving on the racks of the apparatus, in the manufactured block it is necessary to make two through holes.

Next, saw off two metal sheets per 100 mmlonger than the fabricated design. In the plates you also need to drill through a pair of through holes. To install the unit on the frame part of the jack, pick up two bolts with nuts and washers, and connect the plates in such a way that they are on both sides of the racks.

Methods of regulating the working amplitude of the rod

To change the working amplitude of the rod, you can use the methods given below:

  • At the top of the frame, install a screw drive that will be responsible for the free stroke of the rod.
  • Provide for the use of replaceable metal profile pads.

Not so difficult to make a press out of the jack. Device drawings are presented below.

press from the jack with their own hands

How to reduce the working amplitude of the piston

If you need to reduce the working amplitudepiston, put separately intermediate square shaped metal profile. The workpiece must be the same width as the gap between the uprights. Weld the profile at the required distance. This trick will reduce the working length.