/ / Hydrosalpinx: treatment and symptoms

Hydrosalpinx: treatment and symptoms

Hydrosalpinks - accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube. As a rule, it is formed against the background of inflammation in the fallopian tube (salpingitis).

With sluggish and prolonged salpingitishydrosalpinx, the treatment of which depends primarily on its form, appears in the form of gluing the fringe of the uterine tube, where later inflammatory exudate accumulates.

In an inactive process, the accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube can not cause any pain, and, as a rule, is detected accidentally during ultrasound examination of the pelvic area.

При выявлении такого заболевания, как hydrosalpinx, treatment should be timely, since untimely activities can lead to atrophy of the ciliated epithelium. The flickering of the cilia, which cover the fallopian tube, contribute to the movement of the egg into the uterine cavity. If the cilia are atrophied, the risk of infertility and ectopic pregnancy is significantly increased. That is why hydrosalpinks, treatment and diagnosis of it require increased attention from both the patient and the experts. In addition, hydrosalpinx is the source of infection, because of it an ideal environment for the existence and reproduction of bacteria is created.

In the absence of adequate treatment in the bodyformed connecting tie (adhesions), which limit the inflammatory focus. So in the small pelvis the adhesive process is formed, which can cause plastic peritonitis and increases the risk of infertility.

Hydrosalpinx: symptoms. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. Often patients complain of periodic pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are associated with inflammation, which leads to purulent processes.

With acute salpingitis, hydrosalpinx formswith increased body temperature. In the inflammatory process, there is weakness, pain of a pulverizing or pulsating nature in the groin. Against this background, tachycardia develops.

Fallopian tubes with laparoscopy thickened, withfull-blooded and swollen fimbria (fimbriae), with fibrin and pus or fluid in the tube. Later, when the inflammatory process subsides, pus dissolves, and the uterine tube cavity expands. At the same time, the pipe wall becomes thinner and more transparent, and the contents in it are watery. This forms the hydrosalpinx.

Hydrosalpin treatment depends on the level of activity of the inflammatoryprocess. As a rule, therapeutic measures include the use of phytotherapeutic and homeopathic remedies, vitamin therapy and modern physiotherapy. Among the physiotherapy procedures are laser phoresis, magnetophoresis, electrophotophoresis, which allow you to inject the medicine into the inflammatory focus without touching the liver, digestive tract and kidneys, and avoiding negative effects on the internal organs.

If a woman no longer plans a pregnancy,medication is prescribed, which reduces inflammation and allows you to do without surgery. If pregnancy is planned, it is necessary to restore the patency of the tubes by an operative method. The operation takes into account the lifetime of the hydrosalpinx.

When the pipe is reversible,salpingostomy. In this case, a new hole is made in the pipe, liquid is removed, after which new fringes are formed, which restores the functionality and patency of the pipe. Thus, hydrosalpinx is treated by traditional methods with surgical intervention and further physiotherapy treatment. As a supplement to the main methods, hydrosalpinx is treated with folk remedies (grass of the Adam's root, grass of the goritsvet).