/ How to remove blue circles under the eyes?

How to remove blue circles under the eyes?

Many people due to various reasonsperiodically there are dark circles under the eyes. Of course, this problem creates a certain discomfort, because it significantly spoils the appearance of a person. However, for the female half of the population such a disease is a real catastrophe, because ladies tend to always look perfect. That is why the question of how to remove blue circles under the eyes is always relevant for them. Currently, specialists offer a variety of methods, both cosmetic and therapeutic.

Why are blue circles under the eyes?

how to remove blue circles under the eyes

One of the most frequent reasons for thisThe state of affairs is considered excessive fatigue and fatigue, related to the lack of full sleep and a busy working schedule. Since the area around the eyes is the most tender due to the proximity of the capillaries, any disturbance of blood flow inevitably affects the face. Most people think about how to remove blue circles under the eyes with cosmetic products, and this is the main mistake. If the emerging disease is associated with the development of any pathology, then you must first establish the true cause and eliminate it from within. In this case, the external impact will only give a temporary result, so you can expect a relapse.

Sometimes darkening under the eyes indicatedisruption of the endocrine system, the presence of problems with the kidneys and liver or malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system. A similar symptom is expressed and an allergic reaction to food, dust, flowering or medicinal product. Do not exclude the factor of hereditary predisposition, when the genus was the above problem.

How to remove blue circles under eyes with cosmetology methods?

why under the eyes blue circles

Of course, you can choose high-quality cosmetics,including a special remedy for the elimination of a cyanotic shade. However, without make-up, the presence of the disease will be strongly pronounced. Today in beauty salons can offer a lot of ways to improve the appearance. The most commonly used lipofilling, which involves the introduction into the problem area of ​​hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue of the client in small quantities. Subsequently, this procedure was improved, now it is called microfetting. The essence remained the same, but instead of the usual, a very thin needle is used, which practically does not damage the tissues. To improve blood circulation, microcurrent therapy is recommended, which provides a long-term result. Do not forget about such a popular laser therapy, as well as professional cosmetology massage.

blue circles under the eyes what to do

How to remove blue circles under the eyes, using the recipes of traditional medicine?

Services of beauty salons, of course, are popular andare quite effective, but the budget of not every family is able to withstand such a significant cost. Then, first of all, you should completely stop using alcohol and smoking, and also make a varied diet. Women experience when there are blue circles under the eyes. What to do in such a situation, they, as a rule, do not know. Adherents of non-traditional methods recommend using natural masks. For example, a fat cottage cheese is mixed with black tea and we put the gruel on the problem zone. No less effective mask based on chopped parsley with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.