/ Circles under the eyes. Cause

Circles under the eyes. Cause of occurrence

Eyes attract attention in the first place,therefore, it is important to have a clean, healthy look. But if dark circles formed under the eyes, it creates a feeling of tiredness on the face and a gloomy mood. The appearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes is the most common problem of all cosmetology today.

Почему появляются круги под глазами?The reason for this is not one, many of them. The fact is that the skin of the eyelids is very thin and delicate, it requires constant care and careful treatment. In their youth, some girls do not think about what consequences may be the use of low-quality cosmetics - mascara for eyelashes and shadows, and untimely and improper removal of makeup from the eyes. After all, we, women, paint the eyes most often, so they are constantly exposed to aggressive substances if cheap, low-quality cosmetics are used, and as a result of these actions, brown, blue or yellowish circles appear over time.

Due to the nature of the organism, due to allergy topet hair or dust, again, dark circles may appear - the eyes are constantly irritated, itchy, the skin of the eyelids is strongly irritated, therefore circles under the eyes become noticeable. With cosmetics this deficiency cannot be eliminated, therefore it is necessary to consult an allergist to identify the cause of the allergy and to fight it.

It also happens that a girl or woman decidedto sit on a diet, and as a result of poor nutrition, which the diet suggests, there is a shortage of iron and other nutrients or dehydration in the body - that's why under eye circles appear. The reason for this requires the immediate abolition of a poor diet and replenishing iron stores in the body with the help of vitamins. Otherwise, dizziness and general weakness are guaranteed. If you really want to lose weight, you need to turn to a professional nutritionist, he will choose the right, individual diet of healthy food.

With unlimited consumption of coffee, alcohol andsmoking, too, you can see circles under the eyes. The reason is clear, especially in the morning - all harmful substances are reflected on the skin of the face in the first place. Therefore, if you want to look fresh and young, you must eliminate all these harmful factors from your life.

Circles under the eyes of a child should alerthis parents, because the reason for this may be, as well as fatigue from studying and visiting various circles, and more serious problems - for example, an infection or a malfunction of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to show it to the doctor to identify existing problems.

Specialists can identify diseases by color."Shadows" under the eyes. Red circles under the eyes in children indicate that a problem has arisen with the kidneys or that the child has an allergy to a certain irritant; bluish color gives out impaired blood circulation; if the circles are yellow, then this is a signal of an excess of toxins and slags, and an urgent need to cleanse the body. But this should be done after consulting a doctor, self-treatment is dangerous for health.

The face always reflects our internal state.and health, so if the circles do not pass, you need to pass a full examination by specialists. When overwork and exhaustion of the internal reserves of the body appear black circles under the eyes. The reason may be much more serious than what is described above, so do not hesitate and go to the doctor if you notice them not only in the morning, but in the evening.

Бывает и так, что сосуды близко расположены к skin, therefore, shining through the thin skin of the eyelids, they create the effect of dark circles. In this case, the usual medical cosmetics will not help. Removed this flaw only with a laser.

To eliminate or at least reduce the visibility of dark circles under the eyes, it is necessary to establish a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep and care for the delicate eyelid skin.