/ / There are dark circles under the eyes how to get rid I do not know!

There were dark circles under eyes how to get rid I do not know!

There were dark circles under eyes how to get rid I do not know!

Sometimes, looking in the mirror, we see in reflectiondark circles under the eyes. They, of course, spoil the whole appearance, make it more tired and exhausted. And what if there is an important meeting or a long-awaited party ahead of you in such circumstances, on which you should be "on top"? That's why the circles under the eyes of how to get rid of which you will find out below, become a serious problem.

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes?

In order to understand why under the eyes of the darkFirst of all, look at your parents. In most cases, this is a feature of the body transmitted at the genetic level. In this regard, circles can appear when:
- overwork,
- allergic reactions,
- pregnancy,
- menstruation.

In some cases, the appearance of dark circles is associated with dilation of blood vessels. Since the skin in this place is very thin, the vessels become very noticeable.

But the most common answer to the question "Why are dark circles under the eyes?" Is an excessive amount of melanin pigment, which is responsible for skin color.

Seeing once again the circles under the eyes likeget rid of that and have no idea, appreciate the style and rhythm of your life: how often do you relax, sleep, walk in the fresh air, and so on. Among these reasons, the most common are the following:
- smoking, alcohol abuse, which greatly affect not only your appearance, but also on your health,
- lack of sleep, due to which the body does not have time to relax well enough and recuperate,
- frequent stresses affecting the skin and preventing the removal of harmful substances from the body.

In the latter cases, it will not be possible to quickly remove circles under the eyes, but you will exclude a permanent factor that has a destructive effect on the body.

How to prevent the appearance of dark circles?

Dark circles under the eyes - not a cause for concern, because in most cases it is a characteristic feature of the body. However, to prevent their appearance, use the following recommendations:
- follow a healthy lifestyle in which there will be a place for a good sleep, walks in the fresh air and sports activities,
- give up tobacco and alcohol, because the first one prevents the enrichment of the body with enough oxygen, and the second simply has to be in moderation,
- if circles under the eyes interfere with how to get rid of them and eat healthy food you do not know, then note that nothing strengthens the vessels, as fruits and freshly squeezed juices from grapefruit or orange,
- protect the skin under the eyes with a special sunscreen.

How to hide dark circles on the eyes?

And yet dark circles appeared? This is not a reason for strong experiences. Because quickly remove circles under the eyes will help you some of the recommendations described below.

1) Use masking cream. It was developed specifically for this purpose.Masking cream should be lighter in tone than tonal. It is applied along the contour of dark circles and shaded, then the skin is powdered, or tonal cream is used.

2) Make a cold compress. Take a flap of fabric that absorbs moisture well and wet it with cold water, then apply to closed eyes for a few minutes.

3) A means to care for the skin around the eyes. These are creams containing glycolic acid. They lighten the skin and hide its age-related changes.

Having tried all the described means and ways youstill see dark circles under the eyes how to get rid of them has no idea? Consult your doctor as this may be a sign of the course of a latent disease, or a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Remember that impeccable appearance is a responsible occupation that requires a lot of effort. With the help of these tips you can look at all 100% always.