As a rule, bruises under the eyes of menthey do not bother them at all. Close attention to this problem is drawn only if it appeared as a result of a fight. Women are a different matter, they look very kind to their appearance, which means they don’t miss any details.
However, under the eyes of men can servea specific indicator of the presence of any disease. Thus, the body signals about existing problems, so you should take care of your own health and find out what reasons may accompany this state of affairs. Most men, discovering bruises under their eyes, blamed their presence for fatigue and a banal overwork. But we will analyze the most problematic cases.
Black circles under the eyes of men: the reasons
It turns out that even the color of the darkening has an importantvalue. For example, a purple hue is characteristic of people who suffer from high blood pressure (or, as doctors call it, arterial hypertension). Basically, this disease overcomes adult men due to workload, alcohol dependence, smoking, or constant stress. But this problem is not too terrible, because it can be controlled, and for this you need to make an appointment with a doctor and strictly follow all his instructions. Another possible cause may be kidney disease. It is impossible to determine independently which body’s work is broken, therefore a specialist’s consultation is obligatory. Save time and energy on their own health is impossible.
Yellow bruises under the eyes of men canto indicate diseases of the gallbladder or kidneys. Circles of brown tint are the most dangerous because they signal poor performance of the cardiovascular system. The heart, as it is known, is the main organ responsible for the normal functioning of all other systems. Long-term neglect of this problem can lead to a heart attack, and modern medicine is not always able to help the patient. Even when first aid is provided on time, the process of recovery of the body is very long, it can take months and years (depending on the degree of damage to the heart muscle).
So, if bruises appear under the eyesmen who do not disappear after a break from daily activities, then a full examination should be conducted. It will help to accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon, which is not inherent in the normal functioning of the body. Another factor that encourages men to timely contact a medical institution is the possibility of developing prostate disease. This is indicated by circles under the eyes of a pink hue. Everyone knows that the lack of treatment of this disease can lead not only to difficult urination, but also kidney disease. And as a consequence, complications in the form of the development of an infectious process are likely.
If after examination the specialist did not findhealth problems, then you can breathe with relief, but you should not forget about discomfort from an aesthetic point of view. To eliminate bruises under the eyes of men, it is necessary to analyze the daily routine and free up more time to sleep and rest. Full sleep not only provides a healthy complexion, but also helps to get rid of many problems. No wonder there is a phrase: the morning is wiser than the evening. Indeed, after a good rest every problem seems not so terrible, but even very solvable. And in order to help yourself get rid of the circles under the eyes, you can wipe your face with ice in the morning, and in the evening make a compress from a decoction of herbs, sage and parsley help especially well.