/ / Black circles under the eyes - a consequence of our lifestyle or a sign of illness?

Black circles under the eyes - the consequence of our way of life or a sign of illness?

Eyes are the mirror of the soul.Therefore, communicating with the person, we look at them, trying to understand the interlocutor and find out what he thinks. Very often, people can see black circles under the eyes, which significantly reduce the impression of him and suggest that he is sick with something. Whether we think correctly is the task that we have to solve in this article.

Often the main reason that causesthe formation of dark circles, is the lack of oxygen in the body or lack of sleep. However, it is possible that you just do not properly care for the skin around the eyes.

Circles around the eyes have several main reasons:

  1. There may be certain diseases.internal organs (for example, impaired renal function). Very often, disruption of the cardiovascular system becomes a factor causing the appearance of these circles. If such reasons are the basis for their education, local preventive methods will not help in this situation. It is necessary to eliminate the source of the disease.
  2. Brown circles around the eyes may appear if a person becomes allergic to a substance in the air.
  3. Sometimes natural aging is to blame.the body when the vessels begin to be seen from the subcutaneous layer. The older a person becomes, the stronger the effect becomes. As the skin becomes thinner, black circles under the eyes will become more noticeable.
  4. Often the cause is a lack of iron in the body that only a doctor can diagnose. This can be corrected by taking a complex of vitamins and eating more fresh apples.
  5. If a similar problem occurs in young mothers, this is the main sign that they are not getting enough sleep, spending all the time at the baby's cradle.
  6. Cyanotic circles can be the result of dehydration. This should be avoided because a lack of fluid can lead to more serious problems.
  7. Particular attention should be paid to rest the eyes, inIn particular, this applies to those who work at the computer. Black circles under the eyes can appear in those who have work associated with small details, which leads to severe fatigue of the organ of vision.
  8. If a person smokes, then black circles will become his constant companions.
  9. One of the reasons, which concerns the female half of the population, is the improperly chosen cosmetics, in particular, means for the care of the skin of the face and the area around the eyes.

The negative impact of all of the abovefactors can be limited and to prevent black circles under your eyes darken your life. Remember that their appearance can also provoke improper diet: you can not abuse fatty, smoked and spicy foods. You should ensure that sleep time takes you at least 8 hours, and during the day you need to spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air.

In the diet should include more foods that are rich in vitamin C. In addition, there are a number of recommendations for the prevention of dark circles under the eyes:

  1. It is necessary to sleep so that the head is raised above the level of the body.
  2. Limit alcohol, especially beer.
  3. Eliminate fat creams from your cosmetics.
  4. If the sun is shining outside, be sure to use sunglasses.
  5. Do not abuse salty foods. Salt leads to swelling of the skin around the eyes.
  6. Remember that smoking often leads to the formation ofdark circles. At the same time, the skin ages faster, and nicotine contributes to the development of those irreversible processes in the body, which are then very difficult to stop. Therefore, it is easier to get rid of the cause than its often irreversible consequences.