/ / Products containing large amounts of folic acid (table)

Products containing folic acid in large quantities (Table)

In the modern rhythm of a big city due to environmental problems, stress, malnutrition and other factors, the human body not only receives less, but also loses a large amount of vitamins.

folic acid products

Vitamins containing folic acid - BC and B9 -One of the most vital for a person, because they are necessary for the development of the circulatory system, as well as for the growth of the immune system. B9 is the most important vitamin for women. When there is a lack of folic acid in the body, it leads to quick fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and diarrhea, abdominal pain, hair loss and skin problems. In a more global sense, due to a lack of vitamin B9, a heart attack or stroke can occur. A person needs about two milligrams of folic acid per day.

Products containing folic acid in largequantity, no problem can be found on the shelves of supermarkets, they are easily accessible and do not need complicated preparation. B9 is found in legumes, cereals, nuts and vegetables.

Products containing folic acid: table


Content of folic acid per 100 g, mcg







White cheese


Brussels sprouts




Green peas








Powdered milk


Rye flour


Oat groats


Pearl barley


Beef liver


Chicken liver


Pork liver


A tomato




Wheat groats




Fat cottage cheese
















Barley grits


Is there a surplus of folic acid?

Vitamin B9 is non-toxic, and therefore overdose themalmost impossible. Products containing folic acid can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Hypervitaminosis is also excluded, since you physically can not eat so many nuts or herbs that would be dangerous for the body.

Vitamins containing folic acid

Theoretically overdose with folic acidpossible, but only if you take a dose that is a hundred times greater than the body’s need, which is about 30 tablets of pure vitamin B9 for an adult (the amount depends on weight and lifestyle). Any other excess of the daily norm is displayed immediately and without any consequences. A slight excess of folic acid intake is safe even for pregnant women. It can be concluded that the accidental overdose of B9 is completely eliminated.

Folic acid for children

A growing body needs to consume allgroup B vitamins. Products containing folic acid for children and adults are absolutely identical. The difference in dosage: children need only one milligram per day.

However, many children, especially at an early age, refuse to eat such foods containing folic acid likeliver, onion or broccoli. In order not to harm the health of your child, replace sweets for your child with melons (100 mcg), strawberries (62 mcg), grapes (43 mcg) or oranges (30 mcg). So you can keep your daily intake of this vitamin in full.

Products containing folic acid and vitamin B12

Be careful with the dosage of syntheticvitamins containing folic acid. If a child takes them regularly in unreasonable quantities, then after a while he will have a digestive upset, sleep disturbance, or increased irritability.

Products containing folic acid and vitamin B12

Витамин В12 и фолиевая кислота — это два vitamin, which are involved in the maturation and development of blood cells, as well as in the formation of red blood cells. The daily intake of B12 is much less than B9, however, to avoid anemia, it is necessary to remember about this vitamin.

Most folic acid-containing foods contain vitamin B12. These include: meat, kidneys, liver, eggs, dairy products, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, wholemeal flour, honey, yeast.

Products that contain folic acid and B6

So, foods containing folic acid and vitamin B6 can be divided into groups:

Legumes and cereals



The nuts


Beans, soybeans, oats, peas, rye, lentils, wheat.

Spinach, carrots, cabbage, onions, eggplants.

Lemon, orange, pineapple, pear, apple.

Hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, walnuts.

Kefir, milk, cheese, cottage cheese.

Products containing folic acid and vitamin E

Продукты, содержащие фолиевую кислоту и витамин Е:walnut, hazelnuts, almonds, seeds, peanuts, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, peas, beans, margarine, onions, celery, carrots, spinach, parsley, Brussels sprouts But meat and milk, contrary to stereotypes, contain a very small amount of vitamin E.

Folic acid dosage recommended for pregnant women

Products containing folic acid for pregnant women в точности такие же, как и для обычного взрослого person The difference in dosage: usually the rate of vitamin - 200 micrograms per day, but pregnant women are entitled to two, and sometimes even 4 times more, that is, from 400 to 800 micrograms.

Products containing folic acid for pregnant women

Folic acid (or B9) is the most important vitamin for pregnant women:

  1. This vitamin is responsible for the growth and development of living organs and tissues, and this is important at the stage of embryo formation. Also, folic acid is an integral part of the process of cell division and DNA formation.

  2. This vitamin is involved in the formation of all blood elements: leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets, and it is also important for the blood formation process itself.

  3. Folic acid contributes to the formation of the brain and the nervous tube of the fetus.

  4. B9 participates in the creation of nucleic acids, which, in turn, pass on hereditary features to the child.

No wonder vitamin B9 is considered a "female" vitamin,it is he who helps to cope with toxicosis, depression, malaise during pregnancy. The correct amount of this vitamin not only improves the health of the future mother, but also affects the development of her child and his future health.

Products containing folic acid and vitamin B6

Long reception of B9 vitamin (over 800 mkg inday) during pregnancy can threaten both mother and child: because of this, the amount of vitamin B12 is reduced, and this can threaten a digestive tract disorder, a change in renal function, increased nervous excitability. This can happen, if more than three months, take 10-20 mg of the drug in its pure form daily. But the lack of B9 during pregnancy can cause the development of severe fetal abnormalities.

How to maximize the benefits of folic acid?

Every person since childhood for one way or anotherreason took antibiotics. As a result, intestinal microflora certainly suffered, and therefore vitamin B9 ceased to be synthesized in it. To prevent this, it is necessary to drink live yoghurts and eat other dairy products containing bifidobacteria. They play an indispensable role in the restoration of intestinal microflora.

Products containing folic acid and vitamin E

Folic acid is destroyed by thermalprocessing, so you need to cook dishes with the lid closed and as quickly as possible (for example, vegetables or liver). Try to eat vegetables and fruits raw, so you save all the vitamin properties of products. Train yourself in all the dishes that you cook, instead of seasoning to add fresh herbs and spinach, you can also add a handful of nuts.

What causes a lack of folic acid?

It is hard to believe, but the mood and attitude to stressful situations in each person often depends on how much folic acid is contained in his body.

With a shortage of B9 people are constantly inbad mood, shows indifference to everything that happens, and sometimes open aggression. Hobbies are forgotten, work is done poorly, such a person prefers a society of a sofa and a TV remote than an active holiday with family or friends.

Large amounts of folic acid products

Another interesting fact:about a third of all mentally ill people or those who seek help from psychiatrists suffer from a large deficiency of folic acid. When such patients begin to take vitamin B9 as a dietary supplement (sometimes it is a whole complex of vitamins), the diseases take on a different character, and sometimes disappear altogether.

With long and severe folic acid deficiencyA dangerous disease is developing rapidly and rapidly - megaloblastic anemia, which must be urgently treated in a hospital setting, otherwise there is a risk of death. Therefore, even the slightest signs of a lack of B9 in your body cannot be ignored.

Vegetarians or vegans do not usually sufferlack of vitamin B9, as they compensate for the lack of meat with a large amount of vegetables, herbs, soybeans and nuts, thereby eating foods containing folic acid and vitamin B12. But those people who often eat processed, refined food or a large number of preservatives should reconsider their diet. They additionally need to take vitamins containing folic acid (or a complex of vitamins and minerals) in the form of medical preparations, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Be careful, do not get carried away and watch the amount of vitamin consumed, because overdosing also has a number of side effects:

  • skin irritation;

  • rash;

  • gastrointestinal disorders;

  • excitability of the nervous system;

  • functional changes in the kidneys,

  • and also do not forget about allergic reactions.

Folic acid is an integral part of the vitaminbalance. She is responsible for the most important life processes. Watch your diet carefully, and pay special attention to the regime of your children. For a growing body, it is extremely important to have a good supply of vitamin B9.