/ / Products containing calcium

Products containing calcium

A person receives calcium usually from productspower supply. The best calcium is absorbed from dairy products: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream. Using products in daily life that contain calcium, you must consider their tolerability. People who do not absorb milk protein should not get upset, because you can use sour milk products instead of milk. Yoghurts, cheese, ryazhenka, cottage cheese are foods that are eaten in the earliest childhood and until old age. And the content of calcium in these foods is not at all dependent on their fat content.

In addition to dairy products, there areother products containing calcium, such as beans, fish, parsley, sea kale. Moreover, fish besides calcium contains a lot of phosphorus, and sea cabbage - elements of iodine and vitamin D, which are so necessary for calcium absorption in the intestine.

People who follow their shape and weight,adhere to a diet, you can recommend as a source of calcium cabbage broccoli, leaf cabbage, turnip. Their calcium is perfectly absorbed. But not always calcium in food can be absorbed by the body. For example, spinach and beets are rich in calcium, which is bound in the form of oxalates and is not completely digested in the human gastrointestinal tract. They do not become less useful food from this. Both beetroot and spinach can be consumed, but not as a source of calcium.

Women older than 40, elderly men especiallyshould pay attention to the food they eat every day and to know what foods contain a lot of calcium, and in which - a little. This is important when compiling a daily diet, to prevent the development of osteoporosis. The maximum amount of calcium in terms of 100 grams of the product is found in Swiss cheese, in sesame seeds, in sardines in oil, especially in bones, in halva. But these products do not eat much.

Therefore, the most important products containingcalcium are rice, buckwheat, white bread, nuts, dried fruits, milk chocolate instead of sugar. They can be cooked and eaten every day. These conventional products perfectly satisfy the body's need for calcium. Only they should be eaten together with other products that help its assimilation. Broths of wild rose in the cold season not only vitaminize the body, but also help calcium absorb. In spring and summer for these needs, it is necessary to use watercress and young nettles. In May, it is not burning, it produces delicious and healthy salads and soups. And in the summer, pay attention to yourself, sunbathe in the morning, do not avoid the sun. Indeed, it is the sun's rays and fresh air that contribute to the formation of vitamin D in the body. And eat more different berries and fruits, such as apples, apricots, grapes, gooseberries, cherries, blackberries, dates, oranges. Many of them contain easily assimilated calcium.

Normally, calcium is excreted from the body with urine.But with the abuse of salt, smoked and salted foods, its loss with urine increases. I promote the excretion of calcium from carbonated drinks, coffee, canned foods. Their reception should be limited to older people.

But simple products containing calcium,compensate for its deficiency and are preventive measures for the development of a disease such as osteoporosis. Such products include processed cheese, milk, green peas, beans, dried fruits, white bread, cabbage and rice. They are available to every family. So pay attention to your health, eat healthy food and for this you do not need to use expensive products.