Disruption of the process of excretion of uric acid fromorganism leads to the occurrence of a serious disease - gout. How does this acid enter the body and why is it sometimes not removed from the body naturally?

Uric acid, which enters the body with food,with a shortage of degrading enzymes accumulates in the blood and in the form of crystals gradually settles in the region of the joints. With abundant methods of fatty meat products, smoked products and especially alcohol, the pathological process destroys the joints and passes into a severe form of arthritis. There is a natural question: how to remove uric acid from the body?
It is proved that medical measures in the initialperiod of illness are most effective. The disease recedes - and the patient, attentive to himself and his health, recovers completely. As for the neglected stage of the current, it is impossible to cure the patient during this period. This is due to irreversible changes in the organs and a wide spread of the disease, which affects almost all the joints of the body. And yet - how to remove uric acid from the body?

A large number of purine substances is contained intongue, red meat, liver, kidneys, and from plant products - in legumes. Various juices, chocolate, sugar are rich in purine substances. The greatest danger is smoked meat, bacon. It is not recommended to use sharp seasonings in the diet. As already mentioned, alcohol is categorically contraindicated. Ordinary salt is recommended to replace salt with sea salt and take it no more than 7 grams per day. Instead of sugar doctors recommend using natural honey.
Knowing how to lower uric acid in the body,it is easy to achieve complete liberation from accumulated surpluses. If the diet is observed, the excessive intake of purine substances in the body will stop, which will quickly stop the production of a large amount of uric acid and reduce its concentration in the blood. Removal of uric acid from the body, that is all that has already accumulated, will occur naturally by activating the defenses of the body.