/ / Folic acid for men. When planning a pregnancy, why, how, how much and to whom to take folic acid

Folic acid for men. When planning pregnancy, why, how, how much and who should take folic acid

Lack of certain substances in the bodyhuman leads to health problems. Not only vitamins C, E, A, but also folic acid perform their functions. For men, when planning a pregnancy, this substance is just as important as for future mothers. Healthy foods containing folic acid must be included in the diet of all ages.

folic acid for men when planning pregnancy

What is Folic Acid?

Everything in nature needs updating.In the fall, the leaves of the trees fall, and new ones come in their place in the spring. The same thing happens with the human body. Cells are regularly updated. If a person eats properly, there is a lot in the fresh air and sleeps at least 8 hours a day, all processes proceed without failures, the immune system works in full force. But the wrong way of life leads to a deficiency of vitamins. For the development of new cells is responsible water-soluble.9 - folic acid. For men, when planning pregnancy substance plays an important role.

Scientists have found that vitamin B deficiency9 in the body can lead to malfunctionbone marrow. Red blood cells are no longer produced in the right quantity. As a result, anemia occurs, which will result in a number of comorbidities. Thus, we can conclude that the daily diet should be saturated with essential vitamins and trace elements for health. We must not forget about folic acid.

folic acid for men when planning pregnancy dosage

Why do you need vitamin B9 for adult men?

So laid by nature that the male bodymust constantly be ready for conception. This is what distinguishes the gentleman from the weaker sex. Ovum in women matures only once a month. But sperm in men are formed constantly, regardless of the time of year and day of the week. If a couple can not conceive a child for a long period, the question arises: is the health of the representative of the stronger sex all right? Be sure to check the quality of sperm. Folic acid for men when planning a child plays an important role. Lack of vitamin b9 may result in a decrease in viable sperm count.

Lack of the right amount of folic acid inThe body often contributes to the development and gene mutations. If both take a pair of vitamins before conception, this significantly increases the chances of the birth of a healthy baby. Both men and women should start drinking folic acid no later than 3 months before the intended conception.

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Folic acid for teenage boys

Vitamin B9 responsible for the formation of new cells.In some cases, folic acid is also prescribed to adolescent boys. For men with infertility, the drug is prescribed in an increased dosage. For boys, the vitamin medicine can be used to regulate spermatogenesis. If a teenager has violations in this area, it will be possible to rectify the situation much more efficiently at an early age. If you let the problem take its course, the chances of infertility do not increase.

This does not mean that a boy from an early ageIt is necessary to take drugs based on folic acid. No pills without the recommendation of the doctor can not give the child. All that parents need to do is to follow their lifestyle. He should be regularly in the fresh air, eat fully, enough sleep. It is necessary to ask for help if the child is lagging behind in his physical development from his peers. Most likely, in this case, the boy will be prescribed folic acid in combination with hormonal drugs. For men, when planning a pregnancy, vitamin B is also prescribed.9 in pills. Although it is possible to replace the pharmaceutical preparation with products rich in folic acid.

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What should be included in the daily diet when planning conception?

If you eat the right foods, completelythere is no need to take pharmacy. Where does folic acid contain? For men, when planning pregnancy, meat must be included in the diet. This product is considered a treasure trove of various vitamins and microelements. Most folic acid is found in beef. If you eat at least 200-300 g of this product daily, the need to use drugs containing B9will disappear.

All people, regardless of age, wortheat pork or beef liver. It also contains folic acid for men. When planning a pregnancy, the dosage can be 100-150 g per day. It is necessary to supplement the diet and other foods containing vitamin B9. Always in the composition of dietary supplements for "male power"beer yeast is included. They also contain enough folic acid for men when planning a child. Reviews show that the use of multivitamin preparations is not mandatory if the family diet is rich. Both partners must eat properly.

Speaking of brewer's yeast, many representativesstrong sex can remember about beer. But in fact, about alcohol will have to forget those who are planning to conceive a child. Beer is a real sperm killer. Indeed, folic acid is contained in a frothy drink. But the beneficial effects on the body can not be expected.

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Folic acid tablets

Любые аптечные препараты не могут быть alternative to good nutrition. But if a long time fails to conceive a child, a specialist may prescribe medication in pills. How much in one tablet should contain folic acid for men when planning pregnancy (mg)? This question is very important. Indeed, pharmacies offer drugs with different dosages: from 0.5 to 5 mg. Tablets allow you to more accurately calculate the amount of folic acid consumed per day. Before you start taking medicine, you should consult with your doctor. In most cases, the specialist will prescribe a minimum dosage, while recommending that you enrich your diet with foods containing folic acid in sufficient quantities.

folic acid for men when planning a child reviews

Indications for the use of tablets

При планировании зачатия не всегда может prescribed folic acid for men. Reviews of experts show that the reason for the use of the tablet drug is a number of associated diseases. First of all, it is macrocytic anemia. Also, the stronger sex is prescribed medication if sterility was previously diagnosed, even if the quality of sperm is currently at a high level.

Boys in puberty are prescribed folic acid if there is a lag in development. Vitamin B9 stimulates spermatogenesis.In some sexual dysfunctions, folic acid can also be prescribed in combination with other drugs. For men, when planning pregnancy, the dosage is chosen solely by the doctor. Children vitamin helps to stimulate the memory and the nervous system. Therefore, the drug can be used to treat hyperactive babies. Although in this case the therapy has nothing to do with reproductive function.

folic acid for men when planning a child

How to take folic acid?

It would seem that all that is worth paying attention towhen folic acid is prescribed for men when planning a pregnancy, the dosage. Reviews of specialists show that it is necessary to choose the time of taking the drug. Eat a pill after a meal, drinking it down with enough water, is impossible. It is a fat-soluble substance, so it is better to drink the capsule during the meal. In addition, vitamin B9 absorbed in direct proportion to vitamin B12. And if you additionally use foods rich in ascorbic acid, all the B vitamins are well absorbed.

We must also not forget that folic acid is nothas properties to accumulate in the body. Therefore, to start taking the drug is a few months before conception and not to miss a single day before the onset of pregnancy. Women should continue taking the drug and throughout the entire period of carrying a baby.

 folic acid for men when planning pregnancy dosage reviews

What should be the dosage?

If using the diet is impossibleto fill the daily rate of vitamins, it is necessary to purchase the drug. Take it preferably on the recommendation of a doctor. For each situation, the dosage of the medicine will be different. Men who plan to conceive, appoint 200 mg per day.

Reviews of folic acid use in men

In most cases, representatives of strongit’s enough to just build a diet, saturate it with products rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for health. The above recommendations are more suitable for the representatives of the stronger sex, who have any abnormalities associated with the deterioration of sperm quality. According to reviews, prolonged use of folic acid helps to achieve the desired pregnancy. At the same time you should not count on instant results. Some have to take vitamins for several months.