The famous red berry that starts usto please with its elegant taste at the very beginning of the summer season, is a strawberry. Indeed, this perennial herb yields its fruits, which contain many

Along with its attractive appearance,The berry contains in itself useful substances for the body, which are necessary for life. Vitamins in strawberries are found in large quantities, especially C and B5. It also includes iron, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, copper, etc. Another important property of the berry is that it improves digestion. That is, it contributes to the release of hydrochloric acid, which has a beneficial effect on the splitting of food and improves appetite.

It is also important that strawberries are consideredlow-calorie product. As a result of this delicious treat is perfect for a diet. How many calories are in the strawberry? Only 38 calories per 100 grams of berries. This is very low content, so people who respect their figure, can use berries as much as they like. In particular, this dessert is loved by women. Not a bad approach strawberry diet and obese people. In connection with the rich content of proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats in the berry, a fast saturation of the organism occurs with low consumption. There are fans who add cream, sour cream and other products to natural berries, which should not be done. How many calories in a strawberry can be, if it is stuffed with similar additives? Of course, a lot. The cream only contains 340 calories provided the minimum fat content.

With regard to products made from strawberries (jam, jam,syrup), then the content of calories will depend on the addition of sugar and other substances. In supermarkets such products are stuffed with thickeners, dyes and other harmful substances, because their main task is to keep the presentation as long as possible. Therefore, if you consider how many calories in a strawberry, then in this case, to determine this indicator will be quite difficult.
If you want to enjoy the taste of thiswonderful berries and replenish the supply of vitamins, eat it in its raw form. It is better at the ripening season, when it is rich in nutrients. Then the benefits of berries will be 100%, and the question: "How many calories in a strawberry?" - will never visit you again.