Persea americana - so sounds the scientific nameexotic miracle fruit avocado or alligator pear because of some external similarity of the fruit surface with the skin of a famous reptile. The fruit of avocado is also called an "oil pear" because of the consistency of its pulp. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, a bit like a pear. This fruit belongs to the laurel family, and Perseus is a genus of about fifty evergreen bushes and trees growing in regions of the tropical and subtropical climate.
Types of avocados. There are about 600 of them in the world.The fruit of the avocado is oval, pear-shaped or round in shape. The length of the fruit can be from 5 to 10 centimeters, and its weight is from 0.05 to 1.8 kg. The surface is bumpy or extremely smooth, and can be expressed wrinkled. The color of the peel varies depending on the variety. Those varieties that have a tuberous surface can be black or dark green, and fruits with a smooth surface - green. The pulp of ripe fruit is added to salads and cold snacks, and the best sorts for cooking are Nobel, Fuerte, Ettlinger and Hass. They are widely used in high-end restaurants around the world.
And now about the main thing:avocados, what is a useful treat? First of all, the energy value, superior to meat and eggs, even though it does not have a gram of cholesterol. It is also important that in the composition of the fruits there are substances that split the excess cholesterol in the blood. Oily, with a delicate aroma, the flesh of this exotic fruit is saturated with a record content of polyunsaturated vegetable fats, which are necessary for the body, which are easily digested.
All kinds of avocados are rich in useful substances Is a real storehouse of microelements andvitamins, especially vitamin E, which has an anti-aging effect. In the composition of this amazing fruit, biologically active substances and natural hormones that have a rejuvenating effect on the body are also found in large quantities.
Natural "pharmacy" avocado reduces the risk of suchA dangerous disease like myocardial infarction and helps cope with stressful situations. The fruits of avocado contain thiamine and riboflavin, which are so necessary for the health of the thyroid gland, as well as for the strength of nails and silky hair. A trace elements (iron, magnesium, copper and potassium) are useful for bones and the nervous system. The content of a large amount of potassium allows you to regulate water-salt metabolism.
To widely used in therapeutic nutrition fruitsincluding including avocado. How useful is it? The fruit is used in diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied by a decreased acidity of gastric juice, with various types of anemia, diabetes, metabolic disorders, hypertension and in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Taking as a basis oily fruit pulp, scientists in France in the last century created a drug for the treatment of pyorrhea, scleroderma, arthrosis and eczema.
And more about avocado.How useful is this delicacy? For many centuries, women of South America are prolonging their youth with the help of avocado pulp, which has an emollient, moisturizing and nourishing effect. The active substances of the pulp, penetrating deeply into the skin and hair, restore and strengthen them. Avocado oil has a unique affinity for the fats of human skin. Useful oil substances have a rejuvenating effect on all skin types, quickly absorbed, leaving no oily trace on the face.
It remains to be clarified, speaking of avocados, thanthe beneficial effect of this fetus is manifested in cosmetology. Try to prepare a mask, and you can see for yourself. The recipe for a useful natural face mask: to puree from avocado add a few drops of olive oil and egg yolk - the result will exceed your expectations. And the most interesting, the fruit of avocado contributes to the production of serotonin in the human body - the "happiness hormone". So every time you buy this fruit, you get a piece of happiness.