Great popularity in the last decadecollected in Russia an exotic for our places subtropical fruit - avocado. However, its appearance on the market initially caused confusion among buyers: avocado - fruit or vegetable? And, most importantly, how to clean it and eat it?
Persea American, alligator pear - all thisThe names of the same plant, more known to us as avocados. In shape, the fruit resembles a pear covered in dark green, pimply skin. Hence, its English name takes place - alligator pear ("alligator pear").
Avocado - an evergreen tree of the Laurel family- is widespread in South America. We tried to grow it in Russia - on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, where you can meet several trees of this species.
Initially, there were often disputes:an avocado fruit or vegetable? Let's try to understand. The taste of the flesh of this fruit (oily, almost tasteless), it would seem, inspires confidence that avocado is a vegetable. It is these gustatory qualities that make it possible to use it as an ingredient in various vegetable salads. Some housewives use mashed fat flesh as a substitute for mayonnaise. However, the fact that the fruit grows on a tree leaves no doubt: avocado is a fruit.
As already mentioned, the flesh of the avocado is practicallytasteless, remotely similar to buttered walnuts. Despite the high content of oil in it (up to 30%), it is easily digested. By the way, the chemical composition of this fruit became another reason for doubt: avocado is a fruit or vegetable.
Avocado contains a rich set of trace elements -magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, and also vitamins of group B and vitamin E. The presence of antioxidants helps to prevent heart attacks and is an assistant in the fight against stressful situations. Low salt content allows you to recommend the fruit to people who suffer from high blood pressure. A small amount of carbohydrates and sugar (only 1.5%) makes this product indispensable for diabetics.
Avocado is not a dietary product, ason the contrary, it is very caloric - 100 grams of product contains 245 kcal, but the presence of monounsaturated acids contribute to lowering cholesterol, rejuvenates the body.
Avocados are added not only to salads. It is used in soups, sauces, milkshakes. In some countries, it makes ice cream, adds it to coffee, or spreads the pulp on the bread.
Determine the ripeness of the fruit in appearancealmost impossible. Usually he goes on sale immature. "Hold" it can be, placing for 2-3 days in a package with a banana. In a mature avocado, the pulp is soft, easily rubbed and spread.
To cut a fruit, it needs to be cut along,in half, carefully bypassing the bone, which is in the center of the fetus, and then peeled. To keep the unused flesh from darkening, it is necessary to sprinkle it with lemon juice.
I hope we helped you understand the issue"Avocado - a fruit or a vegetable?", And you will discover all the delights of this exotic fruit. In conclusion, note that leaves and pits of avocado are harmful to animals and humans, since they contain toxic substances.