/ / Reflux esophagitis. Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Reflux esophagitis. Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Surely each of us after a hearty dinnerfelt heartburn. Recently, the number of people with the same complaints has increased significantly throughout the world. The reason for this is the inflammatory process in the lower part of the esophagus. This disease is called reflux esophagitis. Symptoms of ailment associated with digestive disorders are more and more often worried not only adults, but also children. And there is an ailment not only as an independent disease, but also as an accompanying disease, in the presence of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

reflux esophagitis symptoms

Reflux esophagitis - what is it?

Symptoms of this disease in most people are weakare expressed. Therefore, for doctors to diagnose the disease becomes very problematic. The term "reflux-esophagitis" refers to a regular spontaneous pelletion of intestinal or gastric contents directly into the esophagus. As a result, due to a change in the acidity level, mucosal irritation occurs.

Reflux esophagitis. Symptoms and Treatment

Most people suffering from thisdisease, do not even know about its presence. The fact is that quite often the symptoms of an ailment are very rarely disturbed and are mild, and the usual antacid preparations are able to quickly overcome reflux esophagitis. Symptoms of the disease in this case, as a rule, boil down to heartburn, heaviness in the stomach. With more permanent and expressed signs of the disease a person needs regular outpatient treatment. If help is rendered untimely, reflux esophagitis can cause various complications (narrowing of the esophagus, bleeding, peptic ulcers). In the presence of this pathology, patients may experience the following symptoms: heartburn, abdominal pain, especially when taking hot, hard or hot meals.

reflux esophagitis symptoms and treatment,
It can be located behind the sternum,xiphoid process, to give in the neck, back, lower jaw, the left side of the chest. Heartburn may decrease or increase depending on the position of the body. It can be strengthened by tilting, lying down, after smoking, eating fatty foods or coffee. Feeling of fullness in the stomach, eructation, "com" behind the breastbone - these are all manifestations of the disease called "reflux esophagitis." Symptoms of an ailment in more severe cases can be as follows: belching, unpleasant taste in the mouth, regurgitation, lagging of the tongue. Endoscopic examination in such patients often reveals erosion, cardia deficiency, hiatal hernia.

Reflux esophagitis. Folk remedies in the fight against the disease

In the presence of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a district doctor. The use of folk methods is possible only in conjunction with drug therapy.

reflux esophagitis folk remedies

Herbal infusion

One spoonful of licorice root, 60 grams of chamomile,grass motherwort, plantain and melissa leaves it is necessary to pour 500 ml of steep boiling water. Insist means should be more than two hours. Take infusion recommended four times a day for 120 ml.


Spoon of bog ayr (root), oregano, fruitsanise, marigold and kipreya leaves, peppermint it is necessary to pour 500 ml of cold water. Herbal collection should be insisted for two hours, and then heated in a water bath (20 minutes). After filtering, the broth can be taken 120 ml six times a day.