Cough in the morning in a child - commona symptom of many diseases. This condition can be a variant of the norm in infants. In any case, it would be superfluous to consult a pediatrician.
Physiological cough
In young children during a night's sleeplaryngeal mucus may accumulate. A cough in the morning for a child is an absolutely normal reaction of the body. Thus, purification from accumulated exudate occurs. If the attacks are observed only after waking up, are short-lived, there is no cause for concern. However, to pay attention to the pediatrician during the next inspection on this symptom is still worth it.
Common cause of morning coughbabies is a viral infection caused by hypothermia. Most often the common cold begins with inflammation of the glands or larynx. Why can this disturb a cough in the morning for a child? The reasons may be different. First, any inflammatory process is accompanied by the formation of exudate (mucus). Cough is a reflex that allows you to clear the oropharynx. Secondly, during a cold, the maxillary sinuses can also become inflamed. When the child is lying down, the mucus flows down the throat, which can also cause coughing.
Reflux esophagitis
Complicated pathology associated with inflammation of the esophagusdue to the release of bile from the stomach. The most prominent symptom of the disease is heartburn. There may be a cough in the morning in a child. The reasons are damage to the mucosal epithelium. Cough - a protective reflex that allows you to release the esophagus from aggressive substances.
The most pronounced cough is whenthe child takes a horizontal position. In addition, the patient may complain of chest pain, hiccups occur regularly. To identify the disease allows a thorough diagnosis, including endoscopic examination of the esophagus, x-rays. Drug therapy is aimed at reducing the acidity of gastric juice. If the child’s cough in the morning recurs regularly, additionally may be used antitussives. Additionally, antihistamine therapy is carried out.
Reflux esophagitis is a disease that is dangerous for its complications. If a child does not start therapy in a timely manner, peptic ulcer of the esophagus may develop.
Inadequate body reactions to a particularirritant may manifest itself in different ways. A cough in the morning in a child after an illness can be a sign of an allergy to drugs. An unpleasant symptom may also develop upon contact with ordinary household objects or animals. Allergic cough often develops gradually. Initially, a sick child feels discomfort in the throat, then swelling appears. Allergic cough is a rather dangerous phenomenon that can lead to the development of false croup (narrowing of the larynx lumen). If the baby does not help in a timely manner, asphyxiation may occur.
A child’s cough in the morning may develop asreaction to household dust or laundry detergent. To improve the condition of the baby will help antihistamine medication. However, be sure to find out what caused the reaction of the body. Allergy tests are carried out in laboratory conditions.
Bronchial asthma
Chronic inflammation of the airways in children- The result of a deteriorating environmental situation. More and more parents are facing the problem of asthma in babies. One of the signs of pathology is coughing in the morning in a child. Causes, treatment of the disease, possible complications - the doctor will tell you everything, and you should contact him immediately after the first symptoms appear.
Бронхиальная астма может иметь аллергенный и non-allergenic character. If one of the parents suffers from a disease, the risk of encountering pathology also increases in the child. The problem is that asthma usually has the same symptoms as a cold. As a result, parents start treatment incorrectly. If the child coughs in the morning is repeated too often, it makes sense to go through a complete examination of the body. Bronchial asthma can be detected by chest radiography.
What to do?
Proper parenting behavior is key to success.treatment of bronchial asthma baby. In the home first aid kit must be an inhaler with the drug, the action of which is aimed at stopping an attack of cough. Children suffering from asthma, in any case can not be left unattended. In case of severe coughing attacks, the child is hospitalized.
Worms in children - a problem that facesalmost all parents. The main symptoms of helminthiasis are poor appetite, worsening of sleep, abdominal pain. However, there may be quite unexpected signs of the disease, such as a dry cough, headache. Some types of worms are quite dangerous. They live not only in the intestines, but also in the lungs, circulatory and lymphatic systems.
The problem is that identify parasites in the bodychild is not so easy. Worms live in specific cycles. It is possible to diagnose the disease only when the parasites lay eggs. If a child has unpleasant symptoms, but the diagnosis is negative, preventive measures will help. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, you can not give tablets to a small patient. You can use the popular methods of treatment of worms. You can get rid of parasites using onions, garlic, pumpkin seeds, wormwood, etc. However, you should first make sure that the child is not allergic to the chosen medicine.
Let's sum up the results
Cough in the morning in a child - a sign of manypathological processes. The first thing parents should do is seek qualified medical assistance. Only a thorough diagnosis will help determine the cause of the pathological cough and prescribe the appropriate therapy.