The manifestation of reflux esophagitis is, contrary to popular belief, not pathology at all. Of course, if a person does not have other problems with the digestive tract. But this condition can cause a lot of inconvenience.
Causes of Esophagitis
About pathology, one can say, if a similar effectappears often and regardless of the volume and characteristics of food, body position and other factors. This condition can cause inconvenience to the patient.
The development of pathological reflux esophagitis canbe caused by a disruption of the sphincter itself, a delayed evacuation of the contents of the stomach or a decrease in the volume of production of enzymes and hydrochloric acid. Also
Symptoms of Esophagitis
The first sign is burning behind the sternum, whichappears after smoking a cigarette, sleeping or eating. The sensation is quite pronounced, but passes after a light snack, a change in the posture or the use of an antacid.
If there is heartburn, it speaks ofprogression of pathology. The symptom may be episodic or permanent and of varying severity. Heartburn may manifest as a slight sensation of heat or an unbearable burning sensation with irradiation in the area of the hand, heart or shoulder blade. Also there are pains behind the breastbone or in the epigastric region.
The disease is typical of a belching after taking a very cold or hot meal, drinking soda or exercise.
Reflux Diagnosis
Treatment of reflux-esophagitis with folk remedies and medications
If the main symptom is heartburn, it is usually prescribedantacids (Almagel, Rennie, etc.), prokinetics (Motilak, Tserukal), proton pump inhibitors (Omeprozol, Rabeprazole). The regime of the day should be drawn up correctly, the physical load is clearly delineated. Also required is a diet. If such treatment is ineffective and complications develop, the surgical method is used.
The pathological manifestations of reflux esophagitis usually can not be eliminated by 100%, but medications and observance of the doctor's recommendations help achieve a permanent remission.
Also there are folk remedies. Purified raw potatoes must be grated on a fine grater. Turn the mass into gauze, squeeze the juice and drink it 100 ml on an empty stomach.